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Evaluation of APEX modifications to simulate forage production for grazing management decision-support in the Western US Great Plains
Agricultural Systems ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-10 , DOI: 10.1016/j.agsy.2021.103139
G. Cheng , R.D. Harmel , L. Ma , J.D. Derner , D.J. Augustine , P.N.S. Bartling , Q.X. Fang , J.R. Williams , C.J. Zilverberg , R.B. Boone , D. Hoover , Q. Yu


Understanding how grazing management decisions influence the productivity and composition of rangeland plant communities is essential for the development of effective strategies to sustainably produce multiple ecosystem goods and services. Informed with experimental measurements, simulation models can advance our understanding and stewardship of rangeland ecosystems.


Our main objective was to evaluate the APEX (Agricultural Policy/Environmental eXtender) plant growth modules and grazing animal selectivity in simulating forage production using experimental data collected from both traditional season-long grazing and adaptive rotational grazing management on western rangelands. Specifically, we evaluated APEX's capability to simulate forage productivity and its response to soil types and climate conditions under grazing management options.


Capitalizing on a comparative field study with 20 large pastures (> 123 ha each), APEX modifications were evaluated by comparing simulated forage production with experimental data. The field study evaluated traditional grazing (season long grazing on a single pasture) and an alternative grazing system that utilized collaborative adaptive rangeland management with stakeholders engaged in decision making (such as when and where to rotate a single herd). APEX was modified to include rotational grazing based on a user-defined sequence and automatic rotational grazing based on user-defined forage grazing limits and minimum/maximum grazing durations.

Results and conclusions

The APEX model was able to simulate the relative differences in forage production between grazing treatments, across years, and among soil types; however, APEX underestimated forage production in 2015 and 2017 due to overestimating drought stress for the warm season perennial grass functional group. Simulation of grazing management scenarios showed that the collaborative adaptive management decision criteria resulted in grazing durations that produced more forage than consistent 7- or 14-day rotation intervals.


These modifications were needed to capture the complexity of semiarid environments and thus enhance APEX to better assess grazing management decisions on forage production in regions such as the Western US Great Plains.








利用对20个大型牧场(每个> 123公顷)的比较田间研究的成果,通过将模拟草料生产与实验数据进行比较来评估APEX的改良。现场研究评估了传统放牧(在单个牧场上长期放牧)和使用协作自适应牧场管理的替代性放牧系统,利益相关者参与决策(例如何时和在何处轮流放牧)。对APEX进行了修改,使其包括基于用户定义的顺序的轮转放牧和基于用户定义的草料放牧限制以及最小/最大放牧持续时间的自动旋转放牧。




