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The Twentieth Century and the Phenomenon of Culture
Russian Studies in Philosophy Pub Date : 2021-04-08 , DOI: 10.1080/10611967.2020.1863728
Vladimir S. Bibler


In this excerpt, Bibler dissects the dual connection of past and present through sublation of the past in the present and on the basis of its preservation through their interaction. Culture is built on the second principle; communication of achievements and inventions always takes place despite different time periods. In that context, he considers Bakhtin’s discovery that showed how artistic heroes of one era enter into debate, a dialogue with heroes of another era, arguing the same problems with them. Oedipus, for example, addresses the problem of life’s meaning differently than Hamlet, and Hamlet differently than Anna Karenina, but they can disagree over which approach is more correct. He analyzes history in the same plane of interaction. For Bakhtin, culture develops on the boundaries of cultures. Culture in general, according to Bibler, is defined as the universal meaning and purpose of being.




在此摘录中,《圣经》通过解剖过去和现在,并通过它们之间的互动来保存过去,剖析了过去和现在的双重联系。文化是建立在第二条原则之上的。尽管有不同的时间段,但总是会进行成就和发明的交流。在这种情况下,他认为巴赫金的发现显示了一个时代的艺术英雄如何进入辩论,与另一个时代的英雄对话,并与他们争论同样的问题。例如,俄狄浦斯(Oedipus)不同于哈姆雷特(Hamlet),而哈姆雷特(Hamlet)与安娜·卡列尼娜(Anna Karenina)则以不同的方式处理生活意义问题,但他们对于哪种方法更正确持不同意见。他在同一互动层面分析历史。对于巴赫金而言,文化是在文化的边界上发展的。根据《圣经》,整个文化
