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STEM Persisters, Switchers, and Leavers: Factors Associated with 6-Year Degree Attainment for STEM Aspiring Community College Transfer Students
Community College Journal of Research and Practice ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-08 , DOI: 10.1080/10668926.2021.1906784
Yi Leaf Zhang 1


Focusing on community college transfer students who declared a STEM major at their initial transfer to a four-year research university, this study examined the extent to which students’ sociodemographic characteristics and academic factors were related to STEM persistence and attrition. This study tracked multiple cohorts of transfer students matriculated at the four-year university between fall 2007 and fall 2014, and used data drawn from their transcript records. The findings indicated that STEM switchers, who obtained a non-STEM degree within six years of their initial transfer, were more likely to be older learners, female, and of non-Asian race/ethnicity than STEM persisters, who earned a STEM degree within six years. STEM Leavers, who did not earn any degree within six years, were more likely to be older, non-Asian, first-generation, and had a low or middle family income than STEM persisters. The study also found that STEM switchers and leavers were more likely to transfer over a lower number of courses, attempted fewer courses in the first semester, withdrew one or more courses, and received a lower semester GPA. In terms of mathematics preparation, STEM switchers and leavers were less likely to complete Calculus I or more advanced courses. The study contributes to the literature on STEM persistence and attrition, especially for STEM aspirants who transferred from community colleges to four-year universities. The findings also provide new knowledge about STEM attrition by comparing students who departed from STEM with or without earning a non-STEM degree.


STEM 坚持者、转换者和离开者:与 STEM 有抱负的社区大学转学生 6 年学位相关的因素


本研究以社区大学转学学生为对象,他们在最初转入四年制研究型大学时就申报了 STEM 专业,研究了学生的社会人口特征和学术因素与 STEM 坚持和减员的相关程度。这项研究跟踪了 2007 年秋季至 2014 年秋季期间在四年制大学录取的多个转学生队列,并使用了从他们的成绩单记录中提取的数据。研究结果表明,与在 6 年内获得 STEM 学位的 STEM 坚持者相比,在初次转学后六年内获得非 STEM 学位的 STEM 转换者更有可能是年龄较大的学习者、女性和非亚洲种族/民族。六年。STEM 毕业生,在六年内没有获得任何学位,更有可能是年龄较大、非亚裔、第一代、并且家庭收入低于 STEM 坚持者。该研究还发现,STEM 转学者和离校者更有可能转学较少的课程,在第一学期尝试较少的课程,退出一门或多门课程,并获得较低的学期 GPA。在数学准备方面,STEM 转换者和离校者不太可能完成微积分 I 或更高级的课程。该研究有助于撰写有关 STEM 持久性和减员的文献,特别是对于从社区学院转入四年制大学的 STEM 有志者。研究结果还通过比较离开 STEM 获得或未获得非 STEM 学位的学生,提供了有关 STEM 减员的新知识。该研究还发现,STEM 转学者和离校者更有可能转学较少的课程,在第一学期尝试较少的课程,退出一门或多门课程,并获得较低的学期 GPA。在数学准备方面,STEM 转换者和离校者不太可能完成微积分 I 或更高级的课程。该研究有助于撰写有关 STEM 持久性和减员的文献,特别是对于从社区学院转入四年制大学的 STEM 有志者。研究结果还通过比较离开 STEM 获得或未获得非 STEM 学位的学生,提供了有关 STEM 减员的新知识。该研究还发现,STEM 转学者和离校者更有可能转学较少的课程,在第一学期尝试较少的课程,退出一门或多门课程,并获得较低的学期 GPA。在数学准备方面,STEM 转换者和离校者不太可能完成微积分 I 或更高级的课程。该研究有助于撰写有关 STEM 持久性和减员的文献,特别是对于从社区学院转入四年制大学的 STEM 有志者。研究结果还通过比较离开 STEM 获得或未获得非 STEM 学位的学生,提供了有关 STEM 减员的新知识。在数学准备方面,STEM 转换者和离校者不太可能完成微积分 I 或更高级的课程。该研究有助于撰写有关 STEM 持久性和减员的文献,特别是对于从社区学院转入四年制大学的 STEM 有志者。研究结果还通过比较离开 STEM 获得或未获得非 STEM 学位的学生,提供了有关 STEM 减员的新知识。在数学准备方面,STEM 转换者和离校者不太可能完成微积分 I 或更高级的课程。该研究有助于撰写有关 STEM 持久性和减员的文献,特别是对于从社区学院转入四年制大学的 STEM 有志者。研究结果还通过比较离开 STEM 获得或未获得非 STEM 学位的学生,提供了有关 STEM 减员的新知识。
