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Alberta not criminally responsible project. Part 1: Comparing the rates of incoming NCRMD persons and absolute discharges before and after Swain and Winko
International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-10 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijlcj.2021.100469
David T. Dunford , Andrew M. Haag

The Canadian forensic mental health system was transformed following the two landmark Supreme Court of Canada cases of Regina v. Swain (1991) and Winko v. British Columbia (1999). The Swain decision led to the creation of a new forensic mental health system that moved towards balancing the needs of the patient with the safety of the public. The Winko decision ruled that review boards had to release all persons who did not pose a significant threat to the safety of the public, even persons whose threat level was uncertain. In this article, the authors conducted 20-year pre-post analyses for incoming not criminally responsible persons following the Swain decision and absolute discharges following Winko. The results indicated that there was a statistically significant increase of new/incoming NCRMD cases post-Swain and a statistically significant increase of absolute discharges post-Winko.



在加拿大最高法院分别对里贾纳诉斯温(1991)和温科诉不列颠哥伦比亚(1999)的两个具有里程碑意义的案件中,加拿大法医精神卫生系统发生了变化。在斯温导致创立朝向平衡与公众的安全病人的需要搬到一个新的法医精神卫生系统的决定。在盈高判决裁定审查委员会不得不释放谁也不会对公众安全构成威胁显著所有的人,甚至是人,其威胁程度是不确定的。在本文中,作者对Swain决定之后的来访的非刑事责任人员进行了为期20年的事前分析,而在Swain决定之后进行了绝对释放温子 结果表明,在Swain之后,新的/传入的NCRMD病例在统计上显着增加,在Winko之后,绝对放电在统计上显着增加
