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An ultrasonic sensor based automatic braking system to mitigate driving exhaustion during traffic congestion
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-09 , DOI: 10.1177/09544070211009076
Muhammad Arsalan 1 , Faraz Akbar 2

Traffic congestion has been the most tiresome encounter since the initiation of vehicle advancement. Many braking systems have been designed by researchers in previous studies, but this study is primarily focused on a braking system that is affordable to all because it is based on a simple Arduino-controlled system. Moreover, it is assistive on everyday traffic commutes rather than highway driving, which is relatively rare for normal drivers. As more and more vehicles crowd the roads, the more problematic it is becoming for the drivers, which is ultimately leading toward increment in the frontal car accidents. In this study, an electro-mechanical braking system has been deployed that assists the driver during the jam-packs by measuring the exact distance between the driven and forthcoming vehicle or any obstacle by applying the brakes without the driver pressing the brake pedal to ultimately bring the vehicle to a halt without any fear of vehicle collision. An ultrasonic sensor is used at the front bumper grille that measures the distance between the two closing vehicles. The total time to halt the vehicle has been calculated as 0.6 s, while the critical distance for the sensor has been set as 1-m. Furthermore, the stepper motor drivers are set at the maximum current output of 2.5 amps with a 12-volt battery connected in parallel to the motors. It is found that theoretical stopping time is in good agreement with the experimental stopping time to completely press the brake pedal and halt the car.



自从车辆前进以来,交通拥堵一直是最令人厌烦的遭遇。研究人员在先前的研究中已经设计了许多制动系统,但是该研究主要集中在所有人都能负担得起的制动系统上,因为该制动系统基于简单的Arduino控制系统。而且,它对日常通勤有帮助,而不是高速公路驾驶,这对于普通驾驶员而言是相对罕见的。随着越来越多的车辆拥挤在道路上,驾驶员面临的问题越来越多,最终导致正面车祸的增加。在这项研究中,部署了机电制动系统,该系统通过在不驾驶员踩下制动踏板而最终使车辆驶入驾驶室的情况下施加制动器来测量被驱动车辆与即将驶来的车辆之间的准确距离或任何障碍物,从而在驾驶过程中为驾驶员提供帮助。停下来,不必担心车辆撞车。前保险杠格栅处使用一个超声波传感器,该传感器测量两个关闭车辆之间的距离。停止车辆的总时间已计算为0.6 s,而传感器的临界距离已设置为1-m。此外,通过将12伏电池与电动机并联连接,将步进电动机驱动器设置为2.5安培的最大电流输出。
