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Lene Asks Kjære Rikard som utgangspunkt for utvikling av emosjonell literacy og mentaliseringsevne
European Journal of Scandinavian Studies ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-01 , DOI: 10.1515/ejss-2020-2029
Annika Bøstein Myhr 1 , Oda Helene Bergland 2 , Bente Jeannine Hovind 2

The article explores whether reading Lene Ask’s documentary graphic novel Kjære Rikard (‘Dear Rikard’) may provide children and adults with training in, and an increased awareness of the importance of, emotional literacy and theory of mind. In order to investigate this question, the authors of the article conduct a close reading of Ask’s novel, using terminology from narratology, picture book and comics’ theory, and look for connections between the findings from the analyses and insights from reader-response theory and cognitive literary studies. The authors suggest that in combination, Ask’s fictive and documentarist drawings and the excerpts from the hand-written correspondence between young Rikard in Stavanger and his father, a missionary in Madagaskar in the 1890s, invite both children and adult readers to develop a keen sense of the value of emotional literacy and theory of mind.


Lene要求KjæreRikard Som utgangspunkt保护emosjonell扫盲和mentaliseringsevne

这篇文章探讨了阅读莱内·阿斯克(Lene Ask)的纪录小说《KjæreRikard》(“亲爱的里卡德”)是否可以为儿童和成人提供培训,并提高他们对情感素养和心理理论的重要性的认识。为了调查这个问题,本文的作者使用叙事学,图画书和漫画理论的术语对Ask的小说进行了仔细的阅读,并从分析结果和读者回应理论的见解之间寻找联系。认知文学研究。作者建议,结合使用Ask的虚构和文献记录画以及摘录自斯塔万格的年轻里卡德和他的父亲(1890年代在马达加斯加的传教士)之间的手写信件摘录,