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Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, La Blanchisseuse, 1888
Occupational Medicine ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-09 , DOI: 10.1093/occmed/kqab018
Paul J Nicholson

La Blanchisseuse or The Laundress (1888) created by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (1864–1901) measures approximately 76 × 63 cm and is owned by the Cleveland Museum of Art in Ohio, USA [1]. A year earlier he completed an oil painting of the same name; this depicted a laundress gazing thoughtfully out of a window. In 2005, that painting achieved a record auction price for a work by the artist when it was sold for $22.4 million by Christies, New York [2]. At first glance, the work featured in this article might appear to be a pencil or a charcoal drawing, especially when considering that it was produced, along with other works, as an illustration for an article about the Parisian summer for the magazine Paris Illustrè [3]. Some of those drawings were created in manière noire, where the paper is first coated with black paint; the drawing being produced by scratching away the paint to create white lines and spaces. This technique was suited to producing strongly contrasted illustrations for reproduction on the poor-quality paper used for magazines of the period [3]. However, La Blanchisseuse is described as ‘a black and grey wash with white paint scratched away in places’ [1]. This involved covering grey cardboard with white paint, scraping away areas of paint and using black ink to develop tones and to create images [1]. Additionally, one can see the use of manière noire particularly in the hair and the right side of the laundress’ face.


亨利·德·图卢兹-洛特雷克(Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec),La Blanchisseuse,1888年

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec(1864–1901)创作的La BlanchisseuseLaundress(1888)尺寸约为76×63 cm,归美国俄亥俄州克利夫兰艺术博物馆所有[1]。一年前,他完成了同名油画。这描绘了一件衣服,若有所思地凝视着窗外。2005年,该画作以2240万美元的价格被纽约佳士得[2]刷新,刷新了该艺术家的作品拍卖纪录。乍一看,本文中的作品可能看起来像是铅笔或木炭画,尤其是考虑到它是与其他作品一起制成的,以此作为插图刊载于《巴黎Illustrè》 [ ParisIllustrè ]杂志中有关巴黎夏季的文章的插图。3]。其中一些图纸是在黑色的manière,纸张首先涂有黑色涂料;通过刮掉油漆以创建白线和空白来生成图形。该技术适合于产生鲜明对比的插图,以便在该时期杂志使用的劣质纸张上进行复制[3]。然而,La Blanchisseuse被描述为“黑色和灰色的洗剂,在某些地方刮掉了白色的油漆” [1]。这包括用白色涂料覆盖灰色纸板,刮掉涂料区域并使用黑色墨水显影色调并创建图像[1]。此外,人们还可以看到黑色鬃毛的使用,特别是在头发和洗脸者脸部的右侧。