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Dampening of a cantilever beam with large particles in a small cavity: model and experiment
Archive of Applied Mechanics ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-09 , DOI: 10.1007/s00419-021-01946-w
Filipe Debonzi Gorla , Rodrigo Nicoletti

Particle dampers are passive attenuating mechanisms of vibration, where small-sized particles (less than 1 mm in diameter) are introduced into the structure to dissipate energy by shock and friction. For that, we must have enough space in the cavity for the particles to move, which usually requires large cavities in relation to the size of the particles. In this work, the idea is to reduce the volume of the cavities, thus reducing the required space for the damper in the structure. As a consequence, we increase the mass of the particles to improve the performance of the damper (stainless steel spheres of 5 mm diameter) and the spheres are free to vibrate inside the structure within a small gap in the cavity (0.1 mm total gap). The shock of the spheres against the walls of the cavity in the structure dissipates energy within this small gap. We present a mathematical modeling of the system, and we correlate it with experimental results. The results show a significant reduction of the resonance peak with the use of the damper even in the case of such a small space for the motion of the sphere.



粒子阻尼器是一种被动的振动衰减机制,其中将小尺寸的粒子(直径小于1毫米)引入结构中,以通过冲击和摩擦耗散能量。为此,我们必须在空腔中留出足够的空间来移动粒子,这通常需要相对于粒子大小的大空腔。在这项工作中,其想法是减小空腔的体积,从而减小结构中减震器所需的空间。结果,我们增加了颗粒的质量,以改善阻尼器的性能(直径为5毫米的不锈钢球),并且这些球在腔体内的小间隙(总间隙为0.1毫米)内自由振动。 。球对结构中空腔壁的冲击消散了在这个小间隙内的能量。我们介绍了该系统的数学模型,并将其与实验结果相关联。结果表明,即使在球体运动的空间很小的情况下,使用阻尼器也会明显降低共振峰。
