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The Effect of Sea Ice on Tidal Propagation in the Kitikmeot Sea, Canadian Arctic Archipelago
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-08 , DOI: 10.1029/2020jc016786
Lina M. Rotermund 1, 2 , W. J. Williams 3 , J. M. Klymak 4 , Y. Wu 5 , R. K. Scharien 6 , C. Haas 7, 8

The tides in the Kitikmeot Sea, in the southern Canadian Arctic Archipelago, are found to be heavily influenced by seasonal sea‐ice formation and blocking in a strait. Data from a moored current profiler in Dease Strait exhibit strong tidal damping during wintertime seasonal sea‐ice cover, with 50%–60% reduction in tidal elevation and 65% reduction in tidal velocities. We used a 3D unstratified barotropic numerical tidal model of the region to show that the observed wintertime tidal damping likely requires both high sea‐ice friction and a partial sea‐ice blockage in Victoria Strait (VS), the eastern gateway of the Kitikmeot Sea, where tidal‐induced ridging causes thick, rough ice to accumulate over its shallow sill. Our analysis of the model shows different dynamics for the M2 and K1 tides. Both tidal constituents are dominated by the Atlantic tides entering through VS. Overall, ∼90% of the M2 tidal energy entering VS does not reach Dease Strait because, in addition to dissipation in VS (∼25%), it is significantly diverted into adjoining bays and around an amphidrome in eastern Queen Maud Gulf (∼65%). In contrast, the smaller K1 tide is less diverted into the subsidiary channels, after ∼20% dissipation in VS and only ∼25% in adjoining bays, it propagates far into the region and is amplified due to resonance in Dease Strait and Coronation Gulf, resulting in larger tidal height than the M2 tide in Coronation Gulf.



加拿大南部北极群岛奇基米海的潮汐受到季节性海冰形成和海峡阻塞的严重影响。来自迪斯海峡的系泊电流剖面仪的数据显示,冬季冬季季节性海冰覆盖期间,潮汐衰减很强,潮汐升高降低了50%–60%,潮汐速度降低了65%。我们使用了该区域的3D非分层正压数值潮汐模型,表明在基蒂克默特海的东部门户维多利亚海峡(VS),观测到的冬季潮汐阻尼可能既需要高海冰摩擦,又需要部分海冰阻塞,潮汐引起的褶皱导致厚的,粗糙的冰积聚在其浅基石上。我们对模型的分析显示了M 2K的不同动力学1潮汐。两种潮汐成分均以通过VS进入的大西洋潮汐为主。总体而言,进入VS的M 2潮汐能中约有90%没有到达迪斯海峡,因为除了VS中的消散(约25%)外,它还大量转移到相邻的海湾和毛德皇后湾东部的一个军械库周围(〜 65%)。相比之下,较小的K 1潮汐较少进入副航道,在VS耗散约20%,在相邻海湾仅耗散约25%之后,它传播到该区域并由于在Dease Strait和Coronation Gulf中的共振而被放大。 ,导致的潮汐高度比加冕海湾的M 2潮高。