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Information Environment for the Design of Industrial Processes
Russian Engineering Research Pub Date : 2021-04-08 , DOI: 10.3103/s1068798x21030084
L. L. Khoroshko , P. M. Kuznetsov


Basic principles are developed for formulating the information environment in the design of industrial processes, in mass-production conditions. A literature review indicates that the information environment for the automated design of industrial processes is inadequately developed in terms of the creation of models for different levels of product standardization. The level at which the product is produced is particularly important in the absence of standard design solutions. The proposed approach permits the design of industrial processes with a minimum of standard design solutions. Basic types of structural relationships in database organization for the design of manufacturing processes are established, with a view to improved automation of design systems, improved productivity, and lower design expenditures of capital and labor. The requirements on models with different purposes are determined. An additional structural–parametric model is proposed to increase the level of design automation. These developments permit increased automation of the design of new products with many novel features in short-run production. The new design approach increases design efficiency and product quality, while shortening the time required for the introduction of new engineering products.




