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Aggregation site fidelity and movement patterns of the protected marine predator giant sea bass ( Stereolepis gigas )
Environmental Biology of Fishes ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-10 , DOI: 10.1007/s10641-021-01077-9
Alyssa J. Clevenstine , Christopher G. Lowe

Giant sea bass (Stereolepis gigas, Polyprionidae) are the largest reef-associated teleost in the northeastern Pacific, considered an important predator in Macrocystis kelp forest and rocky reef ecosystems. Because of the predictability of annual aggregations, giant sea bass (GSB) were fished throughout the twentieth century until they were nearly extirpated from southern California and Baja California, Mexico. To assess population recovery, acoustic telemetry was used to quantify spatiotemporal rhythmicity of GSB aggregations at Santa Catalina Island, California, USA. Thirty-two individuals were tracked for 498 days over two consecutive spawning seasons in 2017–2018 and visual surveys were conducted monthly to estimate aggregation sizes. Aggregation behavior was documented from June–October and spawning most likely occurred at a pinnacle promontory from July–September. GSB exhibited residency to specific sites throughout the year and individuals showed fidelity to suspected spawning aggregation sites during the summer months. Ten (31%) GSB were detected at Santa Catalina Island year-round and 11 (34%) exhibited suspected annual spawning site fidelity. Four individuals (12%) were documented leaving the island during late fall/winter 2017 and returning in spring/early summer 2018, indicating partial seasonal migration and year-round fidelity to specific sites at Santa Catalina Island. This study provides a baseline of spatiotemporal movements and behavioral patterns that can be used to improve our understanding of GSB and enhance management for these and other large-bodied predatory fish species.


受保护的海洋捕食者巨型海鲈(Stereolepis gigas)的聚集部位保真度和运动模式。

巨型鲈鱼(Stereolepis gigas, Polyprionidae)是东北太平洋最大的与珊瑚礁相关的硬骨鱼类,被认为是巨囊藻的重要捕食者。海带森林和礁石生态系统。由于年度集聚的可预测性,在整个二十世纪都捕捞了巨型鲈鱼,直到它们被南加州南部和墨西哥下加利福尼亚州几乎绝迹。为了评估种群的恢复情况,在美国加利福尼亚州圣卡塔琳娜岛,使用声学遥测技术来量化GSB聚集体的时空节律。在2017-2018年的两个连续产卵季节中,对32个个体进行了498天跟踪,并每月进行视觉调查以估计聚集体大小。记录了从6月到10月的聚集行为,并且最有可能在7月到9月的顶峰海角产卵。GSB全年都在特定地点居住,个人在夏季月份对可疑产卵聚集地点表现出忠诚。全年在圣卡塔利娜岛上检测到十个(31%)GSB,并且有11个(34%)表现出可疑的年度产卵地点保真度。据记录,有4个人(12%)在2017年秋末/冬季离开岛上,并于2018年春/初夏返回岛,这表明他们有季节性的部分迁徙,并全年忠于圣卡塔琳娜岛的特定地点。这项研究提供了时空运动和行为模式的基线,可用于增进我们对GSB的了解并增强对这些和其他大体掠食性鱼类的管理。全年在圣卡塔利娜岛上检测到十个(31%)GSB,并且有11个(34%)表现出可疑的年度产卵地点保真度。据记录,有4个人(12%)在2017年秋末/冬季离开岛上,并于2018年春/初夏返回岛,这表明他们有季节性的部分迁徙,并全年忠于圣卡塔琳娜岛的特定地点。这项研究提供了时空运动和行为模式的基线,可用于增进我们对GSB的了解并增强对这些和其他大体掠食性鱼类的管理。全年在圣卡塔利娜岛上检测到十个(31%)GSB,并且有11个(34%)表现出可疑的年度产卵地点保真度。据记录,有4个人(12%)在2017年秋末/冬季离开岛上,并于2018年春/初夏返回岛,这表明他们有季节性的部分迁徙,并全年忠于圣卡塔琳娜岛的特定地点。这项研究提供了时空运动和行为模式的基线,可用于增进我们对GSB的了解并增强对这些和其他大体掠食性鱼类的管理。
