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Evolution of Angular Momentum and Center of Mass at Null Infinity
Communications in Mathematical Physics ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-08 , DOI: 10.1007/s00220-021-04053-7
Po-Ning Chen , Jordan Keller , Mu-Tao Wang , Ye-Kai Wang , Shing-Tung Yau

We study how conserved quantities such as angular momentum and center of mass evolve with respect to the retarded time at null infinity, which is described in terms of a Bondi–Sachs coordinate system. These evolution formulae complement the classical Bondi mass loss formula for gravitational radiation. They are further expressed in terms of the potentials of the shear and news tensors. The consequences that follow from these formulae are (1) Supertranslation invariance of the fluxes of the CWY conserved quantities. (2) A conservation law of angular momentum à la Christodoulou. (3) A duality paradigm for null infinity. In particular, the supertranslation invariance distinguishes the CWY angular momentum and center of mass from the classical definitions.



我们研究了零动无穷时相对于延迟时间的守恒量(例如角动量和质心)如何演化,这是用邦迪-萨克斯坐标系描述的。这些演化公式是对重力辐射的经典邦迪质量损失公式的补充。它们根据剪力和新闻张量的潜力进一步表达。从这些公式得出的结果是(1)CWY守恒量通量的超平移不变性。(2)角动量la Christodoulou的守恒律。(3)零无穷大的对偶范式。特别地,超平移不变性将CWY角动量和质心与经典定义区分开。
