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System for the realization of advanced mobility studies based on driver, cabin and vehicle monitoring
IEEE Latin America Transactions ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-07 , DOI: 10.1109/tla.2020.9398626
Alejandro Garcia Pañeda 1 , Santiago Garcia 2 , Alejandro Casanova 3 , Victor Corcoba 3 , Xabiel Garcia Pañeda 3 , Roberto Garcia 3 , David Melendi 3

Our roads the preparation of mobility studies has become an essential element when planning and regulating traffic. These studies have been carried out with all kinds of systems, such as cameras, on-track counting systems and, lately, with embedded devices. However, until now there have been no studies able to take into account how traffic situations affect drivers and vice versa. Nor has it been analysed if what happens inside the vehicles affects the circulation and in what way. For this, it’s necessary to have a low-cost system, installable in a significant number of vehicles that can not only detect the position of the vehicle and how is its displacement, but to control what happens in the set composed of the driver, the cabin and the vehicle. This article presents a system capable of collection biometric information of the driver, from sensors installed in the cabin and from the vehicle itself, pre-processing the information on the device itself, following an edge-computing philosophy, and sending it to a datalake in the cloud to be processed in the studies that you wish to perform. The system has been successfully tested in different types of routes and situations. Its main advantage over previous systems is the ability to make an exhaustive analysis of risk situations and its dependence on the driver’s status with a low economic cost of production.


