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Getting a grip on insight: real-time and embodied Aha experiences predict correct solutions
Cognition and Emotion ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-08 , DOI: 10.1080/02699931.2021.1908230
Ruben E Laukkonen 1 , Daniel J Ingledew 2 , Hilary J Grimmer 2 , Jonathan W Schooler 3 , Jason M Tangen 2


Insight experiences are sudden, persuasive, and can accompany valuable new ideas in science and art. In this preregistered experiment, we aim to validate a novel visceral and continuous measure of insight problem solving and to test whether real-time and embodied feelings of insight can predict correct solutions. We report several findings. Consistent with recent work, we find a strong positive relationship between Aha moments and accuracy for problems that demand implicit processing. We also found that the intensity of the insight experience further predicted the accuracy of solutions and participants naturally embodied the intensity of their insight experiences by squeezing the dynamometer more tightly. Intriguingly, this unintentional embodiment further predicted the accuracy of solutions. We suggest that the dynamometer complements previous measures by (1) simultaneously capturing both process and feeling in real-time, (2) highlights the value of measuring Aha moments on a continuum of intensity, and (3) firmly establishes that the impulsive feeling of Aha can carry information about the veracity of an idea. We discuss the findings in light of a recent theoretical account of how feelings of insight may act as a heuristic to select ideas from the stream of consciousness.


掌握洞察力:实时和具体的 Aha 体验可预测正确的解决方案


洞察力的体验是突然的、有说服力的,并且可以伴随科学和艺术中有价值的新想法。在这个预先注册的实验中,我们的目标是验证洞察问题解决的新的内在和持续的衡量标准,并测试实时和具体的洞察力是否可以预测正确的解决方案。我们报告了几个发现。与最近的工作一致,我们发现 Aha 矩与需要隐式处理的问题的准确性之间存在很强的正相关关系。我们还发现强度的洞察力体验进一步预测了解决方案的准确性,参与者通过更紧地挤压测力计自然地体现了他们洞察力体验的强度。有趣的是,这个无意的体现进一步预测了解决方案的准确性。我们建议测功机(1)补充了以前的措施,同时捕捉在实时过程和感受,(2)突出对强度的连续测量啊哈时刻的值,和(3)坚定地确立了的浮躁的情绪啊哈可以携带有关想法真实性的信息。我们根据最近关于洞察力如何作为一种启发式方法从意识流中选择想法的理论解释来讨论这些发现。
