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Late Variscan deformation events in the Bardo Syncline revealed by biotite K-Ar dating of Ludlow-age tuffite (Holy Cross Mountains, Poland)
Geological Quarterly ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-08 , DOI: 10.7306/gq.1586
Emil Wójcik, Andrzej Pelc, Adrian Pacek

In the Bardo Syncline (Holy Cross Mountains, Poland), two beds of tuffite (named the Niewachlów tuffites) have been discovered within greywackes of Ludlow (Silurian) age. K-Ar dating of the lower bed yielded an age of 292.8 ±4.0 Ma, while the upper bed provided an age of 341.9 ±4.3 Ma. The dates pertain to metamorphic alteration of the tuffite, related to reactivation of the Daleszyce Fault Zone. In this zone, biotite crystals present in the foliation zones were recrystallized and their K-Ar isotopic system was rejuvenated in a temperature range of ~270–300°C. The dates that were obtained define the ages of two tectono-metamorphic episodes and reflect the timing of displacements along the fault which, in turn, reflect two deformation phases during the Variscan Orogeny (Mississippian and Early Permian). Moreover the dates may be correlated with Late Variscan magmatic activity in the Holy Cross Mountains and adjacent areas. The deformation of the Daleszyce Fault Zone may be regarded as resulting from displacements of lithospheric blocks within the Trans European Suture Zone during the Late Variscan reconstruction of the Baltica palaeocontinent margin



在Bardo Syncline(波兰圣十字山脉)中,在Ludlow(Silurian)时代的格雷沃克人中发现了两层凝灰岩(称为Niewachlów凝灰岩)。下层床的K-Ar测年年龄为292.8±4.0 Ma,而上层床的年龄为341.9±4.3 Ma。这些日期与凝灰岩的变质作用有关,与Daleszyce断层带的重新活化有关。在该区域,叶质区域中存在的黑云母晶体被重结晶,并且其K-Ar同位素系统在〜270–300°C的温度范围内得以恢复活力。所获得的日期定义了两次构造变质事件的年龄,并反映了沿断层位移的时间,进而反映了瓦里斯卡造山运动(密西西比和早二叠纪)的两个变形阶段。此外,日期可能与圣十字山脉及其邻近地区的晚瓦里斯坎岩浆活动有关。Daleszyce断层带的变形可能被认为是由于Baltica古大陆大陆边缘的后期Variscan重建过程中跨欧洲缝合带内岩石圈块的位移造成的
