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Palaeogeographic reconstruction of the North Podlasie region in the Sokółka area during the Late Pleistocene (NE Poland)
Geological Quarterly ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-08 , DOI: 10.7306/gq.1585
Joanna Rychel

A new palaeogeographic reconstruction from the end of the Odranian Glaciation to the end of the Weichslian Glaciation (MIS 2) is based on research carried out at the Knyszewicze site, NE Poland, focusing on the dynamics of the Wartanian Glaciation (MIS 6) and showing the lobed nature of this ice sheet. Reconstruction of deglaciation in the research area was supplemented by analysis of postglacial morpholineaments (MMA). Research carried out at the Jałówka site enabled reconstruction of the processes affecting lake processes during the Eemian (MIS 5e) Interglacial and transformation of this area during the Weichselian Glaciation. The results obtained indicated that the study area was not covered by Weichselian ice, the sediments formerly considered as glacial being slope-related and providing evidence of periglacial conditions. A new conceptual model for the evolution of this area is put forward, showing the polygenetic nature of the relief. The glacial landforms developed during the Warta Stadial and transformed during the Eemian Interglacial were further affected by periglacial processes, which significantly remodelled the relief.



从奥德兰冰川末到魏氏冰川末期(MIS 2)进行的新的古地理重建,是基于在波兰东北的克尼斯维克泽遗址进行的研究而得出的,重点是瓦尔坦期冰川的动力学(MIS 6)并显示了冰盖的浅裂性质。通过对冰期后吗啉类固醇(MMA)的分析,补充了该地区冰消作用的重建。在Jałówka站点进行的研究能够重建影响Eemian(MIS 5e)冰川间期的湖泊过程以及在Weichselian冰川时期对该地区的改造。获得的结果表明,研究区未被魏氏雪覆盖,以前被认为是冰川的沉积物与坡度有关,并提供了周围冰川条件的证据。提出了这一地区演化的新概念模型,显示了地貌的多基因性。在Warta体育场期间形成的冰川地貌,在Eemian Interglacial期间发生了转变,这些冰川地貌进一步受到了周缘过程的影响,这大大地改变了浮雕。