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Longitudinal inter-relations between school cultural socialization and school engagement: The mediating role of school climate
Learning and Instruction ( IF 4.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.learninstruc.2021.101482
Juan Del Toro , Ming-Te Wang

The question of whether schools should promote cultural pride and engage students in ethnic traditions is hotly contested. To contribute to this debate, this longitudinal study examined whether school cultural socialization predicted adolescents' engagement in school over time and whether this relation was mediated by school climate. Data were collected in four waves during a two-year period from 254 African American fifth-graders (53.9% males; Mage = 10.95 at Wave 1) enrolled in three public middle schools. Results revealed that African American youth who reported more school cultural socialization also had greater school engagement over time. This longitudinal relation was fully mediated by youth's perceptions of school climate. Implications for how to promote African American youth's perceptions of schools as culturally sensitive and supportive environments are discussed.



学校是否应该提高文化自尊心并让学生参与民族传统这一问题备受争议。为了促进这场辩论,这项纵向研究调查了学校文化社会化是否可以预测青少年随着时间的推移会参与学校活动,以及这种关系是否受到学校气候的影响。在两年的时间里,共收集了254个非洲裔美国五年级学生(男性53.9%;M年龄)的四次浪潮数据 在第1浪中= 10.95)就读于三所公立中学。结果显示,随着时间的流逝,报告了更多学校文化社会化活动的非洲裔美国年轻人也有更多的学校参与度。这种纵向关系完全由青年对学校气候的理解所调节。讨论了如何提高非裔美国人青年对学校的文化敏感性和支持性环境的认识。
