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Floresorchestia kongsemae sp. n. a new species (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Talitridae) from Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand
Biodiversity Data Journal ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-08 , DOI: 10.3897/bdj.9.e63197
Anotai Suklom 1 , Patchara Danaisawadi 1 , Koraon Wongkamhaeng 1

Background The genus Floresorchestia Bousfield, 1984 is widely distributed in terrestrial and marine coastal habitats. It has been found from coastal South Africa through to the Indo-Pacific region and the Caribbean Sea in Central America. Two species of Floresorchestia have been reported in Thailand, Floresorchestia boonyanusithii Wongkamhaeng et al. 2016 and Floresorchestia buraphana Wongkamhaeng et al. 2016. This work reports on a new species of Floresorchestia found at Kasetsart University in a man-made pond and neighbouring areas. New information Classification of the new species was achieved by considering the left mandible 5-dentate; gnathopod 2 posterior margin merus carpus and propodus of gnathopod 2 covered in palmate setae, palm reaching about 33% along posterior margin; uropod 3 peduncle with three robust setae; telson dorsal mid-line half the length of its breadth and four robust setae per lobe.


Floresorchestia kongsemae sp. n. 泰国曼谷农业大学的一个新物种(甲壳类:两足类:Talitridae)

背景 Floresorchestia Bousfield 属,1984 年广泛分布于陆地和海洋沿海生境。从南非沿海到印度太平洋地区和中美洲的加勒比海都发现了它。泰国报道了两种 Floresorchestia,Floresorchestia boonyanusithii Wongkamhaeng 等。2016 年和 Floresorchestia buraphana Wongkamhaeng 等人。2016. 这项工作报告了在 Kasetsart 大学在人造池塘和邻近地区发现的一种新的 Floresorchestia 物种。新信息 新物种的分类是通过考虑左下颌5齿来实现的;颚足类 2 后缘腕节和前足类 2 被掌状刚毛覆盖,手掌沿后缘达到约 33%;具有三个健壮刚毛的尾足类动物 3 花序梗;