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Historical Perspective of the Journal of Chemical& Engineering Data’s Published Topics, 1956–2020
Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-08 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.1c00193
Ramesh L. Gardas , David A. Kofke , Ronny Pini , Gabriele Sadowski , Cara E. Schwarz , J. Ilja Siepmann , Jiangtao Wu

The Journal started in 1956 as Industrial & Engineering Chemistry: Chemical & Engineering Data Series with one issue per year. In 1959, it obtained its current name, Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data (JCED), and changed to a quarterly publication frequency. Because of increased demand and interest, JCED turned to bimonthly publication in 1995, and has been published monthly since 2008. Since inception, JCED is primarily concerned with accurate, precise, and reproducible thermophysical data of unary, binary, ternary, and multicomponent systems obtained from experiment and, more recently, also from computation. For the past 65 years, JCED adapted various topical areas to include contemporary research associated with the scope of the Journal and published special issues and virtual issues highlighting emerging and important topics of the ever-evolving field of thermophysical data.(1) From 1956 to 2020, JCED published a total of 17611 documents (Figure 1) including 155 conference papers and 138 reviews. According to SciVal using All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes, JCED documents are classified into 267 topic clusters and 887 topics.(2) To analyze the topical areas featured in JCED publications, the Scopus Database has been used to extract all indexed keywords,(3) and these are separated into three periods (1956–1980, 1981–2000, and 2001–2020) (Figure 2). Figure 1. Number of documents published annually in JCED. Figure 2. Word cloud representations of JCED keywords considering (top) 3675 documents published from 1956 to 1980; (middle) 3778 documents published from 1981 to 2000; and (bottom) 10158 documents published from 2001 to 2020. During the early period, the indexed keyword “Hydrocarbons” (assigned to about 65 documents) was the most frequent keyword followed by the words “Liquids”, “Thermodynamics”, “Alcohols”, “Methane”, “Solvents”, “Carbon Dioxide”, and “Phase Equilibria” to name a few. The indexed keywords “Mathematical Models” and “Correlation Methods” saw a rapid rise from the early to the intermediate period. “Binary Mixtures” and “Phase Equilibria” are the top indexed keywords from 1981 to 2020. It is worth noting that indexed keywords such as “Ionic Liquids” and “Adsorption” which did not appear during 1956–2000, rose to prominence in the most recent period. According to Scival, JCED documents published during the past decade predominantly comprised the following topics (in descending order of topic frequency): Gibbs equations, solubility, activity coefficients, ternary systems, ionic liquids, gas hydrates, phase equilibria, binary mixtures, electrolytes, equation of state, carbon dioxide, vapor pressure, and enthalpy. Although the topics and indexed keywords are evolving, one of the outstanding features of articles and reviews published in JCED is that accurate, precise, and reproducible thermophysical data are of lasting value as indicated by their citations not diminishing after a short time period, but remaining about constant for a long time (Figure 3). Figure 3. Number of citations per document published in a given year versus time. We acknowledge all authors, reviewers, readers, and the contributions enabled through the cooperative agreement with NIST, for their significant role in extending JCED’s scope to novel and contemporary research topics. Their publications contribute to the advancement of the chemical sciences and chemical technology by providing high quality and reliable experimental and computational data. Views expressed in this editorial are those of the authors and not necessarily the views of the ACS. Views expressed in this editorial are those of the authors and not necessarily the views of the ACS.
This article references 3 other publications.



该杂志始于1956年,当时名为《工业与工程化学化学与工程数据丛书》,每年发行一期。1959年,它获得了现名《化学与工程数据杂志》JCED),并改为每季度出版一次。由于需求和兴趣的增加,JCED于1995年转向双月刊,自2008年以来每月出版一次。自成立以来,JCED主要关注获得的一元,二元,三元和多组分系统的准确,精确和可再现的热物理数据。来自实验,最近也来自计算。在过去的65年中,JCED修改了各个主题领域,以包括与《期刊》范围相关的当代研究,并出版了特别期刊和虚拟期刊,突出了热物理数据领域不断发展的新兴和重要主题。(1)从1956年到2020年,JCED总共出版了17611个文档(图1)包括155个会议论文和138条评论。据SciVal使用的所有科学杂志分类(ASJC)代码,JCED文件分为267个话题群集和887周的主题。(2)分析局部地区特色JCED在出版物中,Scopus数据库已用于提取所有索引关键词,[3]并将其分为三个时期(1956–1980、1981–2000和2001–2020)(图2)。图1.每年在JCED中发布的文档数。图2. JCED的词云表示形式考虑(排名靠前)1956年至1980年发布的3675个文档的关键字;(中)1981年至2000年出版的3778份文档;以及(底部)2001年至2020年发布的文件。在早期,索引关键字“烃”(分配给大约65个文件)是最常见的关键字,其后是“液体”,“热力学”,“酒精” ,“甲烷”,“溶剂”,“二氧化碳”和“相平衡”等。索引关键字“数学模型”和“相关方法”从早期到中期迅速上升。1981年至2020年,“二元混合物”和“相平衡”是索引排名最高的关键字。值得注意的是,在1956–2000年期间未出现的诸如“离子液体”和“吸附”等索引关键字在当今世界中占有重要地位。最近期。根据在过去十年中,ScivalJCED文件主要包含以下主题(按主题频率从高到低的顺序排列):Gibbs方程,溶解度,活度系数,三元系统,离子液体,气体水合物,相平衡,二元混合物,电解质,状态,二氧化碳,蒸气压和焓。尽管主题和索引关键字在不断发展,但JCED上发表的文章和评论的杰出功能之一这是因为准确的,精确的和可重现的热物理数据具有持久的价值,这是因为它们的引文在很短的时间后不会减少,但在很长一段时间内保持不变(图3)。图3.给定年份中每个文档的引用次数与时间的关系。我们感谢所有作者,审阅者,读者以及通过与NIST合作协议而做出的贡献,感谢他们在扩展JCED中的重要作用涉及新颖和当代研究主题的范围。他们的出版物通过提供高质量和可靠的实验和计算数据,为化学科学和化学技术的发展做出了贡献。本社论中表达的观点只是作者的观点,不一定是ACS的观点。本社论中表达的观点只是作者的观点,不一定是ACS的观点。