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On the Legacy of the Land: Ideology Criticism of Walter Brueggemann and John Steinbeck
Theology Today ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-08 , DOI: 10.1177/0040573620959249
Katerina Koci 1

This article addresses the sensitive, religious-political issue of the promised land. It discusses this issue from the perspective of the criticism of the promised land in the works of Walter Brueggemann in comparison to his artistic source of influence, John Steinbeck. After the systematic analysis of Brueggemann’s criticism of land ideology throughout his work, I elaborate on Steinbeck’s critical attitude to this topic which I offer as Steinbeck’s own alternative criticism. On top of the affirmation that “Steinbeck may have put the issue of the land most eloquently,” as suggested by Brueggemann himself, I propose that Steinbeck (unlike Brueggemann) does not fall into the trap of producing an inverted ideology and offers a balanced and timeless criticism of the promised land issue.



本文讨论了应许之地的敏感的宗教政治问题。它从沃尔特·布鲁格曼(Walter Brueggemann)的作品中对应许之地的批评与其影响力的艺术大师约翰·斯坦贝克(John Steinbeck)的角度讨论了这个问题。在对布鲁格曼在其著作中对土地意识形态的批评进行系统分析之后,我将详细阐述斯坦贝克对这一主题的批判态度,我将其作为斯坦贝克自己的另类批评加以阐述。正如布吕格曼本人所暗示的那样,在肯定“斯坦贝克可能最雄辩地提出了土地问题”的基础上,我建议斯坦贝克(不像布吕格曼那样)不落入产生倒置意识形态的陷阱中,并提供了平衡和平衡的思想观念。对承诺土地问题的永恒批评。
