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A metric for spatially explicit contributions to science-based species targets
Nature Ecology & Evolution ( IF 13.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-08 , DOI: 10.1038/s41559-021-01432-0
Louise Mair , Leon A. Bennun , Thomas M. Brooks , Stuart H. M. Butchart , Friederike C. Bolam , Neil D. Burgess , Jonathan M. M. Ekstrom , E. J. Milner-Gulland , Michael Hoffmann , Keping Ma , Nicholas B. W. Macfarlane , Domitilla C. Raimondo , Ana S. L. Rodrigues , Xiaoli Shen , Bernardo B. N. Strassburg , Craig R. Beatty , Carla Gómez-Creutzberg , Alvaro Iribarrem , Meizani Irmadhiany , Eduardo Lacerda , Bianca C. Mattos , Karmila Parakkasi , Marcelo F. Tognelli , Elizabeth L. Bennett , Catherine Bryan , Giulia Carbone , Abhishek Chaudhary , Maxime Eiselin , Gustavo A. B. da Fonseca , Russell Galt , Arne Geschke , Louise Glew , Romie Goedicke , Jonathan M. H. Green , Richard D. Gregory , Samantha L. L. Hill , David G. Hole , Jonathan Hughes , Jonathan Hutton , Marco P. W. Keijzer , Laetitia M. Navarro , Eimear Nic Lughadha , Andrew J. Plumptre , Philippe Puydarrieux , Hugh P. Possingham , Aleksandar Rankovic , Eugenie C. Regan , Carlo Rondinini , Joshua D. Schneck , Juha Siikamäki , Cyriaque Sendashonga , Gilles Seutin , Sam Sinclair , Andrew L. Skowno , Carolina A. Soto-Navarro , Simon N. Stuart , Helen J. Temple , Antoine Vallier , Francesca Verones , Leonardo R. Viana , James Watson , Simeon Bezeng , Monika Böhm , Ian J. Burfield , Viola Clausnitzer , Colin Clubbe , Neil A. Cox , Jörg Freyhof , Leah R. Gerber , Craig Hilton-Taylor , Richard Jenkins , Ackbar Joolia , Lucas N. Joppa , Lian Pin Koh , Thomas E. Lacher , Penny F. Langhammer , Barney Long , David Mallon , Michela Pacifici , Beth A. Polidoro , Caroline M. Pollock , Malin C. Rivers , Nicolette S. Roach , Jon Paul Rodríguez , Jane Smart , Bruce E. Young , Frank Hawkins , Philip J. K. McGowan

The Convention on Biological Diversity’s post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework will probably include a goal to stabilize and restore the status of species. Its delivery would be facilitated by making the actions required to halt and reverse species loss spatially explicit. Here, we develop a species threat abatement and restoration (STAR) metric that is scalable across species, threats and geographies. STAR quantifies the contributions that abating threats and restoring habitats in specific places offer towards reducing extinction risk. While every nation can contribute towards halting biodiversity loss, Indonesia, Colombia, Mexico, Madagascar and Brazil combined have stewardship over 31% of total STAR values for terrestrial amphibians, birds and mammals. Among actions, sustainable crop production and forestry dominate, contributing 41% of total STAR values for these taxonomic groups. Key Biodiversity Areas cover 9% of the terrestrial surface but capture 47% of STAR values. STAR could support governmental and non-state actors in quantifying their contributions to meeting science-based species targets within the framework.



《生物多样性公约》的 2020 年后全球生物多样性框架可能包括稳定和恢复物种地位的目标。通过在空间上明确停止和扭转物种损失所需的行动,将促进其交付。在这里,我们开发了一个物种威胁消除和恢复 (STAR) 指标,该指标可跨物种、威胁和地域进行扩展。STAR 量化了在特定地点减少威胁和恢复栖息地对降低灭绝风险的贡献。虽然每个国家都可以为制止生物多样性丧失做出贡献,但印度尼西亚、哥伦比亚、墨西哥、马达加斯加和巴西加起来管理着超过 31% 的陆地两栖动物、鸟类和哺乳动物的 STAR 总价值。在行动中,可持续作物生产和林业占主导地位,这些分类群的 STAR 值占总 STAR 值的 41%。关键生物多样性区域覆盖了 9% 的陆地表面,但捕获了 47% 的 STAR 值。STAR 可以支持政府和非国家行为者量化他们对实现框架内基于科学的物种目标的贡献。
