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Homonationalism and Voting for the Populist Radical Right: Addressing Unanswered Questions by Zooming in on the Dutch Case
International Journal of Public Opinion Research ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-24 , DOI: 10.1093/ijpor/edaa005
Niels Spierings 1

Anti-migration attitudes are at the heart of explaining who votes for Populist Radical Right (PRR) parties (Lubbers, Gijsberts, S Rydgren, 2008). PRR parties appeal to a "native" culture that they say should be protected against outsiders, and more recently, PRR politicians have been including gay citizens among those needing protection, particularly against Islam (Bracke, 2012; De Lange & Mugge, 2015). This strategy echoes what has been labeled "homonationalism": Considering the acceptance of gay and lesbian citizens as part of what defines a nation and letting this acceptance serve as a barometer for who has a right to belong to that nation (cf. Puar, 2007; Schotten, 2016).



反移民态度是解释谁投票支持民粹主义激进右翼 (PRR) 政党的核心(Lubbers、Gijsberts、S Rydgren,2008 年)。PRR 政党诉诸于他们认为应该受到保护以免受外来者侵害的“本土”文化,最近,PRR 政治家一直将同性恋公民包括在需要保护的人群中,尤其是针对伊斯兰教的(Bracke,2012 年;De Lange & Mugge,2015 年)。这种策略呼应了所谓的“同性恋民族主义”:将同性恋公民的接受视为定义一个国家的一部分,并让这种接受作为衡量谁有权属于该国家的晴雨表(参见 Puar,2007 年) ;肖顿,2016 年)。