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Perpetuation of gender bias in New Headway: a multimodal critical discourse analysis with a diachronic lens
Pedagogy, Culture & Society ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-07 , DOI: 10.1080/14681366.2021.1913442
Ufuk Keles 1 , Behzad Mansouri 2 , Bedrettin Yazan 3


Framed by MCDA, our study examines diachronic changes in gender representation in five New Headway Elementary (NHE) editions. Our findings demonstrate that NHE’s gender representation is established on heteronormative binaries indicating bias against women in recreational, domestic, professional, and educational spaces despite few important attempts by the coursebook writers to address gender bias. Gender representation in recreational spaces is built on stereotypical discourses. At home, women mostly have nurturing roles while men are depicted as relaxing or playing with their children. At work, men’s professional representation focuses solely on their professional career, whereas women are represented with reference to their domestic and caregiving roles. At school, men are presented as teaching and learning various subjects and sports, while women are mostly associated with teaching and learning languages and art only. In closing, we offer teachers three activities to develop learners’ critical awareness against gender discrimination while using NHE.




在 MCDA 的框架下,我们的研究考察了五个 New Headway Elementary (NHE) 版本中性别代表性的历时变化。我们的研究结果表明,NHE 的性别代表是建立在异规范二元论的基础上的,这表明尽管教科书作者很少尝试解决性别偏见,但在娱乐、家庭、专业和教育领域对女性存在偏见。休闲空间中的性别代表是建立在刻板印象的基础上的。在家里,女性大多扮演着养育角色,而男性则被描绘成放松或与孩子玩耍的角色。在工作中,男性的专业代表只关注他们的职业生涯,而女性则参考她们的家庭和照顾角色。在学校,男性被视为教授和学习各种科目和运动,而女性大多只与教学和学习语言和艺术有关。最后,我们为教师提供了三项活动,以培养学习者在使用 NHE 时对性别歧视的批判意识。
