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The Quantization of Gravity: Quantization of the Hamilton Equations
Universe ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-07 , DOI: 10.3390/universe7040091
Claus Gerhardt

We quantize the Hamilton equations instead of the Hamilton condition. The resulting equation has the simple form Δu=0 in a fiber bundle, where the Laplacian is the Laplacian of the Wheeler–DeWitt metric provided n4. Using then separation of variables, the solutions u can be expressed as products of temporal and spatial eigenfunctions, where the spatial eigenfunctions are eigenfunctions of the Laplacian in the symmetric space SL(n,R)/SO(n). Since one can define a Schwartz space and tempered distributions in SL(n,R)/SO(n) as well as a Fourier transform, Fourier quantization can be applied such that the spatial eigenfunctions are transformed to Dirac measures and the spatial Laplacian to a multiplication operator.



我们量化汉密尔顿方程,而不是汉密尔顿条件。所得方程具有简单形式-Δü=0 在纤维束中,其中拉普拉斯算子是提供的Wheeler–DeWitt度量的拉普拉斯算子 ñ4。使用变量的分离,解u可以表示为时间和空间本征函数的乘积,其中空间本征函数是对称空间中拉普拉斯算子的本征函数小号大号ñ[R/小号Øñ。由于可以定义Schwartz空间并在其中定义缓和的分布小号大号ñ[R/小号Øñ 除了进行傅立叶变换外,还可以应用傅立叶量化,以便将空间特征函数转换为Dirac度量,将空间拉普拉斯变换为乘法算子。