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Ethno-nationalism in citizenship education in Israel: an analysis of the official civics textbook
British Journal of Sociology of Education ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-07 , DOI: 10.1080/01425692.2021.1902277
Halleli Pinson 1 , Ayman K. Agbaria 2


Over the past few years, the civics curriculum for Israeli high-schools has become the centre of a heated political debate. Following this debate, in May 2016 a revised official textbook was introduced. This paper draws on an in-depth analysis of the revised official textbook, comparing it to the previous official textbook published in 2000. The analysis focuses on the discursive changes that took place regarding the ways in which the revised textbook conceptualises Israeli citizenship. A particular focus is placed on how the revised version of the official textbook often prioritises the ethno-national model of the nation state over and above the commitment to democratic values, including minority rights. The main argument of this paper is that these changes are a reflection of the penetration of a neo-Zionist discourse into the civics curriculum.




在过去几年中,以色列高中的公民课程已成为激烈政治辩论的中心。在这场辩论之后,2016 年 5 月推出了经过修订的官方教科书。本文对修订后的官方教科书进​​行了深入分析,将其与 2000 年出版的之前的官方教科书进​​行了比较。分析的重点是关于修订后的教科书将以色列公民概念化的方式所发生的话语变化。特别关注官方教科书的修订版如何经常优先考虑民族国家的民族国家模式,而不是对民主价值观的承诺,包括少数民族权利。本文的主要论点是,这些变化反映了新犹太复国主义话语渗透到公民课程中。
