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Women in the boardroom: a bottom–up approach to the trickle-down effect
Small Business Economics ( IF 6.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-07 , DOI: 10.1007/s11187-021-00475-8
Anaïs Périlleux , Ariane Szafarz

This paper argues that role modeling can explain the impact of boardroom gender diversity on corporate performance. It theorizes that female workers are boosted by female leadership, gain increased motivation, and achieve greater productivity, thereby making their female directors more effective. We test this bottom–up approach to the trickle-down hypothesis on data hand-collected among local cooperatives providing microcredit in Senegal. All the organizations surveyed are similar and small, which allows us to use a homogenous performance metric. All of them outsource their human resource management to the same third party, which mitigates the risk of endogeneity. The data cover over 100,000 triads composed of gender dominance on the board, gender of CEO, and gender of credit officer. A better financial performance is achieved when the triad is gender-uniform—be it male or female—confirming the importance of role modeling and suggesting that the performance of female board members depends on the gender composition of the workforce.

Plain English summary Women’s leadership styles differ from men’s. But we still ignore whether the styles adopted by male and female directors make any difference in terms of financial performance. Scholars hold controversial views about whether and how the financial performance of firms depends on gender diversity in the boardroom. This article speculates that female directors act as role models on their subordinates (“trickle-down effect”) and their impact is “bottom–up” in the sense that female workers gain increased motivation when working under female leadership. We hand-collected data from financial cooperatives in Senegal. These organizations enabled us to observe the unlikely situation of boards including over 50% of women. We measured financial performance with loan repayment. Our results confirm that female-dominated boards achieve a better financial performance when they work with female CEOs and female subordinates. The principal implication is that the performance of female board members depends on the gender composition of the workforce.




普通英语摘要妇女的领导风格与男子的领导风格不同。但是,我们仍然忽略了男性和女性董事采用的风格对财务业绩是否有任何影响。关于公司的财务绩效是否以及如何取决于董事会中的性别多样性,学者们存在争议。本文推测,女董事是下属的榜样(“ tri滴效应”),其影响是“自下而上”的,即在女性领导下工作时,女职工会获得更大的动力。我们从塞内加尔的金融合作社手工收集数据。这些组织使我们能够观察到董事会中不太可能出现的情况,其中包括50%以上的女性。我们用还贷来衡量财务绩效。我们的结果证实,与女性首席执行官和女性下属合作时,女性主导的董事会可以实现更好的财务绩效。主要含义是女性董事会成员的表现取决于员工的性别组成。
