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Specific psychacoustic metrics and their application to range hoods
Applied Acoustics ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.apacoust.2021.108079
Zhengqin Wang , Qianyi Chen , Jiefeng Cheng , Su Zhang

The sound quality of a range hood is one of the most common complaints from consumers. As a supplement to sound power target, sound quality evaluation and prediction describes subjective feeling more suitably. It is proved that conventional sound quality model is able to predict sound quality accurately. However, the conventional model does not offer practical strategies for the design of a range hood. In this paper, specific psychoacoustic metrics including Area of Derivative of Specific Loudness (ADSL) and Gravity of Specific Loudness (GSL) are proposed. The multiple linear regression model based on ADSL and GSL has an adjustable R square of 0.92. The target determined by the model is proven more preferred than original by subjective assessment. An innovative method of sound reinforcement is proposed in the present work, and is applied on a range hood based on the strategies. The sound pressure levels in the target frequency region are reinforced, which makes the sound loudness curve more close to the target curve. The work in this paper offers an example of application of sound quality model on the design of a range hood.



