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Improving social and emotional learning for schoolgirls: An impact study of curriculum-based socio-emotional education in rural Uganda
International Journal of Educational Research ( IF 2.845 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijer.2021.101778
Niyati Malhotra , Zena Ewonetu Ayele , Dandi Zheng , Yanis Ben Amor

Uganda continues to face challenges in closing the gender gap in education for adolescent girls. Socio-emotional factors such as self-esteem and perceptions of social support are critical in determining educational outcomes for girls. This study investigates the impacts of a socio-emotional learning curriculum implemented in 10 schools located in Isingiro district of southwestern Uganda. Compared to schools included in a control group, we find improvements in a majority of the socio-emotional indicators targeted by the curriculum including self-efficacy, responsible decision-making, and perceptions of women’s equality to men. We also find improvements in mental health indicators for girls who participated in the curriculum.



