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Organic source on productivity of pomegranate–lemongrass-based agroforestry system in central India
Agroforestry Systems ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-07 , DOI: 10.1007/s10457-021-00605-x
Sudhir Kumar , Rajendra Prasad , Veeresh Kumar , Alok K. Krishna

The present study was conducted to assess the response of organic sources of nutrition on productivity of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) and lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus Stapf.) under agroforestry system in central India. The experiment was designed in Factorial Randomized Block Design with two cultivars of pomegranate (V1—Ganesh and V2—Bhagwa) and four levels of nutrient management [T1—vermicompost (30 kg/plant), T2—farm yard manure or FYM (30 kg/plant), T3—vermicompost (30 kg/plant) + FYM (30 kg/plant) and T4—recommended doses of chemical fertilizers (RDF)]. A control of pure lemongrass was also maintained separately. The lemongrass was intercropped in a 4-year-old pomegranate orchard, and the observations were recorded consecutively for 3 years (2017, 2018 and 2019). Findings revealed that vermicompost either alone or in combination with FYM was more effective than the chemical fertilizer in influencing almost all the studied plant characters. Maximum collar diameter of pomegranate was found in T1 during 2017 (6.31 cm) and 2018 (6.96 cm), and in T4 during 2019 (7.13 cm). Maximum number of fruits/plant was in T3 during 2017 (22.45) and 2018 (21.81), and in T1 during 2019 (24.26). Average fruit weight was maximum in T2 during 2017 (231.67 g) and 2018 (261.67 g) while in T4 during 2019 (260.36 g), which was at par with T2 (253.78 g) and T1 (242.75 g). Average fruit yield was maximum in T3 during 2017 (4.70 kg/plant), in T2 during 2018 (5.51 kg/plant) and in T1 during 2019 (5.85 kg/plant). When intercropped with pomegranate, lemongrass’s fresh biomass yield was maximum in T3 while oil recovery in T1 during period of investigation. The minimum fresh biomass and oil recovery were observed in T2. Pure lemongrass (control) plot yielded highest fresh biomass as well as oil recovery in all the 3 years of the study period. In nutshell, it is concluded that organic sources of nutrition in general and vermicompost in particular proved to be more effective than the chemical sources of nutrition for sustainable productivity from the pomegranate–lemongrass-based agroforestry system in rainfed conditions. Further, this system holds great promise for boosting farmers’ economy by providing extra income from lemon oil in drought stricken semi-arid regions of central India.



本研究旨在评估印度中部农林业制度下有机营养源对石榴(Punica granatum L.)和柠檬草(Cymbopogon flexuosus Stapf。)生产力的响应。该实验采用因子随机区组设计进行设计,其中有两个石榴品种(V 1 -Ganesh和V 2 -Bhagwa)和四个层次的养分管理[ T 1 -ver堆肥(30 kg /株),T 2-农家粪肥或FYM(30公斤/植物),T 3 –vercomcompost(30公斤/植物)+ FYM(30公斤/植物)和T 4-建议的化学肥料剂量(RDF)]。还分别保持了对纯柠檬草的控制。柠檬草被套在一个4岁的石榴园中,并连续3年(2017年,2018年和2019年)记录了观察结果。研究结果表明,单独使用ver粉或与FYM混合使用,在影响几乎所有已研究的植物特性方面,ver粉比化学肥料更有效。石榴的最大直径轴环中发现Ť 1期间2017(6.31厘米)和2018(6.96厘米),并在Ť 4期间2019(7.13厘米)。在2017年(22.45)和2018年(21.81)中,最大水果/植物数量在T 3中,在T 1中在2019年(24.26)。T 2在2017年(231.67 g)和2018年(261.67 g)的平均果实重量最大,而在2019年T 4(260.36 g)的平均果实重量与T 2(253.78 g)和T 1(242.75 g)持平。平均果实产量在2017年的T 3(4.70千克/植物),2018年的T 2(5.51千克/植物)和2019年的T 1(5.85千克/植物)中最高。当与石榴套种时,柠檬草的新鲜生物量产量在T 3中最高,而采油量在T 1中在调查期间。在T 2中观察到最低的新鲜生物量和采油量。在整个研究期间的三年中,纯柠檬草(对照)地块均产生了最高的新鲜生物量以及石油采收率。简而言之,可以得出结论,在雨养条件下,石榴-莱姆加拉斯为基础的农林业系统的有机营养来源,特别是ver粉,特别是营养成分比化学营养来源更有效地实现可持续生产力。此外,该系统通过在印度中部遭受干旱袭击的半干旱地区提供柠檬油的额外收入,具有促进农民经济发展的巨大前景。
