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Hunting Memories of the Grass Things: An Indigenous Reflection on Bison in Louisiana
Southern Cultures ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-06
Jeffery U. Darensbourg, Carmen Price


The Ishak, an Indigenous Nation of Louisiana and Texas, traditionally hunted bison, called the “grass things” in our traditional language. The French memoirst Louis de Milford recounts a visit with an Ishak party on a bison hunt on the prairies of southwest Louisiana in the late 1700s. A century later, an Ishak woman giving a narrative of traditional Ishak foodways to anthropologist Samual Gatschet fails to mention bison at all. By that time, wild bison were extinct in Louisiana. In this essay, the loss of bison culture for the Ishak and an ancestral longing for its return are explored by a contemporary member of the tribe.




Ishak是路易斯安那州和德克萨斯州的一个土著民族,传统上被捕猎的野牛,在我们的传统语言中被称为“草丛”。法国回忆录路易斯·德·米尔福德(Louis de Milford)讲述了在1700年代后期,以伊沙克(Ishak)派对拜访路易斯安那州西南部大草原上的野牛的经历。一个世纪后,一位以艾沙克族妇女向人类学家萨穆尔·盖茨谢特讲述传统的艾沙克饮食方式的女人根本没有提起野牛。到那时,野牛在路易斯安那州已经灭绝。在本文中,该部落的一位当代成员探讨了伊沙克(Ishak)野牛文化的流失和其回归的祖传向往。
