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Southern Cultures ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-06

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Contributors

jeremiah ariaz is the recipient of numerous awards and his photographs have been exhibited internationally. Louisiana Trail Riders (University of Louisiana Press, 2018) bridges Ariaz's long-standing interest in the American West and his current home in the South, where he is a professor at Louisiana State University. For more, visit www.LouisianaTrailRiders.com.

anne branigin is a journalist and essayist. She works as a reporter for The Lily, the Washington Post's publication centering on women's stories. Previously, she was a staff writer at The Root, covering politics, social justice movements, health, and the environment through the lens of race and equity.

nickole brown is the author of Sister and Fanny Says. She lives in Asheville, North Carolina, where she volunteers at two different animal sanctuaries. To Those Who Were Our First Gods, a chapbook of poems about these animals, won the 2018 Rattle Prize, and her essay-in-poems, The Donkey Elegies, was published by Sibling Rivalry Press in 2020.

madison w. cates is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Florida and an adjunct instructor at Santa Fe College in Gainesville, Florida. He holds degrees from Gardner-Webb University, North Carolina State University, and the University of Florida. His essay in this issue draws from his larger research on race, environmentalism, and land loss in the modern South.

jeffery u. darensbourg is a Louisiana Creole and a member of the Atakapa-Ishak Nation. A 2020 resident at Tulane University's A Studio in the Woods, his work is featured in the film Hoktiwe: Two Poems in Ishakkoy, made with Fernando López and commissioned by the Contemporary Arts Center, New Orleans.

glenda elizabeth gilmore is the Peter V. and C. Vann Woodward Professor of History Emerita at Yale University. She coauthored, with Thomas J. Sugrue, These United States: A Nation in the Making, 1890 to the Present. Previous works include Gender and Jim Crow: Women and the Politics of White Supremacy in North Carolina, 1896–1920 and Defying Dixie: The Radical Roots of Civil Rights, 1919–1950. She is completing Romare Bearden and the Homeland of His Imagination, to be published by UNC Press.

joshua b. guild is associate professor of history and African American studies at Princeton University. He is working on a book about Black activism and struggles for racial and economic justice in New Orleans from the mid-twentieth century to the present.

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Illustration by Carmen Price.

andy horowitz is assistant professor of history and the Paul and Debra Gibbons Professor in the School of Liberal Arts at Tulane University. He is the author of Katrina: A History, 1915–2015 (Harvard University Press, 2020) and coeditor of Critical Disaster Studies (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2021).

justin hosbey is assistant professor of anthropology at Emory University. His research explores the cultural and political economy of race and racism in the US Gulf Coast and Mississippi Delta. His current project explores how neoliberal post-Katrina social reforms have fractured, but not severed, Black space- and place-making in New Orleans.

j. t. roane, a native of Tappahannock, Virginia, is assistant professor of African and African American studies in the School of Social Transformation at Arizona State University, where he also leads the Black Ecologies Initiative at the Institute for Humanities Research. Roane is also a 2020–2021 fellow at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture.

lisa sorg is an award-winning journalist and environmental reporter for NC Policy Watch, a statewide digital media outlet. She discovered her love of nature as a child in rural Indiana, where she grew up in a nineteen-acre woods, surrounded by cornfields.

will warasila is a photographer and North Carolina native. He received a BFA in photography from the School of Visual Arts in New York City and an MFA in experimental documentary arts from Duke University. His photographs have appeared in the Oxford American, New Yorker, and New York Times, among other publications.

anna zeide is associate professor of history and director of the food studies program at Virginia Tech. Her first book, Canned: The Rise and Fall of Consumer Confidence in the American Food Industry (University...




  • 贡献者

耶利米·阿里亚兹(Jeremiah ariaz)获得了无数奖项,他的照片已经在国际上展出。路易斯安那小径骑手(路易斯安那大学出版社,2018年)弥合了阿里亚兹对美国西部和他目前在南方的家的长期兴趣,他在那是路易斯安那州立大学的教授。有关更多信息,请访问www.LouisianaTrailRiders.com。

安妮·布雷尼金(Ann Branigin)是一名记者和散文作家。她是《百合》 The Lily)的记者,《华盛顿邮报》以女性故事为中心。在此之前,她是The Root的特约作家,通过种族和公平的视角报道政治,社会正义运动,健康和环境。

妮可·布朗 Nickole Brown)是《姐妹》和《范妮说》的作者。她住在北卡罗来纳州的阿什维尔,在两个不同的动物保护区做志愿者。关于这些动物的诗集《致那些第一个神灵的人》获得了2018年Rattle奖,而她的诗作《驴子的挽歌》由兄弟姐妹竞争出版社于2020年出版。

麦迪逊河 cates是佛罗里达大学的博士后研究员,也是佛罗里达州盖恩斯维尔的圣达菲学院的兼职讲师。他拥有Gardner-Webb大学,北卡罗来纳州立大学和佛罗里达大学的学位。他在这个问题上的文章来自他对现代南方种族,环保主义和土地流失的更广泛研究。

杰弗里岛 达伦斯堡(Darensbourg)是路易斯安那克里奥尔人,也是阿塔卡帕-伊沙克民族(Atakapa-Ishak Nation)的成员。他的作品是杜兰大学(Tulane University)树林中的一个工作室的2020年居民,他的作品在电影《霍克蒂维:伊沙科伊的两首诗》中,由费尔南多·洛佩兹(FernandoLópez)制作,并由新奥尔良当代艺术中心委托创作。

glenda Elizabeth Gilmore是耶鲁大学Emerita历史系的Peter V.和C. Vann Woodward教授。她与托马斯·苏格(Thomas J. Sugrue)合着了《美国:正在崛起的国家》,1890年至今。先前的著作包括《性别与吉姆·克劳:北卡罗来纳州的妇女与白人至上的政治》,1896-1920年;《反抗迪克西:民权的根本根源》,1919年至1950年。她正在完成罗曼·比尔登(Romare Bearden)和他的想像之乡,该书将由UNC出版社出版。

约书亚湾 协会是普林斯顿大学历史与非裔美国人研究副教授。他正在写一本关于黑人行动主义以及20世纪中叶至今在新奥尔良争取种族和经济正义的斗争的书。


卡门·普莱斯(Carmen Price)的插图。

安迪·霍洛维茨 Andy horowitz)是杜兰大学(Tulane University)文理学院历史学助理教授,保罗(Paul)和黛布拉(Debra Gibbons)教授。他是《卡特里娜飓风:历史,1915年至2015年》(哈佛大学出版社,2020年)的作者,以及《严重灾害研究》的合著者(宾夕法尼亚大学出版社,2021年)。

贾斯汀·霍斯比 Justin Hosbey)是埃默里大学(Emory University)人类学助理教授。他的研究探索了美国墨西哥湾沿岸和密西西比三角洲的种族和种族主义的文化和政治经济学。他目前的项目探讨了卡特里娜飓风之后的新自由主义社会改革如何破坏但不破坏新奥尔良的黑人空间和场所营造。

jt roane是弗吉尼亚州塔帕汉诺克(Tappahannock)的本地人,是亚利桑那州立大学社会转型学院非洲和非裔美国人研究的助理教授,他还领导了人文科学研究所的“黑色生态倡议”。Roane还是Schomburg黑色文化研究中心的2020-2021年研究员。

lisa sorg是全州数字媒体渠道NC Policy Watch的获奖记者和环境记者。她小时候在印第安纳州农村发现了对自然的热爱,在那里她成长于一个19英亩的树林中,周围环绕着玉米田。

will warasila是一位摄影师,也是北卡罗来纳州的本地人。他在纽约市视觉艺术学院获得摄影学士学位,并在杜克大学获得了实验记录艺术硕士学位。他的照片出现在《牛津美国人》,《纽约客》和《纽约时报》等出版物中。

安娜·泽德 Anna Zeide)是历史副教授,也是弗吉尼亚理工大学食品研究计划的主任。她的第一本书《罐头:美国食品工业中消费者信心的兴衰》(University ...
