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Japan Black: Japanning, Minstrelsy, and “Japanese Tommy's” Yellowface Precursor
Theatre Survey ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-06 , DOI: 10.1017/s0040557421000065
Tara Rodman

On the Fourth of July, 1860, the New York Times introduced readers to a new persona treading the minstrel boards: Matinées are the order of the day, two at both the Bowerys, at George Christy's, at Bryant's, and at the Palace Gardens. Here “versatile performers” and “talented danseuses” will diversify the hours of patriotic emotion with comic pantomime and grand “Japanese ballets,” led by “Little Tommy.” Japan has dropped a little into the sere and yellow leaf, perhaps, for the natives, but for the “strangers from the provinces” the land of blacking may still have charms, and we desire that “all such” may understand that the Japan of their dreams will be on exhibition to-night at Miss Laura Keene's Theatre.


日本黑:Japanning、Minstrelsy 和“日本汤米”的黄脸先驱

1860 年 7 月 4 日,纽约时报向读者介绍了一个在吟游诗人板上的新角色:日场是当天的顺序,两个在鲍厄里,在乔治克里斯蒂,在布莱恩特和宫殿花园。这里“多才多艺”和“才华横溢”舞曲”将通过喜剧哑剧和由“小汤米”领衔的大型“日本芭蕾”来丰富爱国情感的时间。日本对当地人来说或许已经落入了一片枯黄的叶子,但对于“外省的陌生人”来说,这片黑色的土地可能仍然有魅力,我们希望“所有人”能够理解他们的梦想今晚将在劳拉·基恩小姐的剧院上演。