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English ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-05 , DOI: 10.1093/english/efaa048
Katherine Baxter , Adam Hansen

The issue of English you are now reading – whether online or as hard copy – is our penultimate as an editorial team comprising ourselves, David Walker, Tony Williams, Paul Frazer, and Allan Ingram. In 2015, we pitched our vision for invigorating the journal to colleagues at Northumbria and the English Association, a pitch based on our belief that English and English are crucial components in helping us all to perceive the energy and vitality of Anglophone creative and critical literatures across the world, and to understand the evolving role that such scholarship, creativity and criticism can play in addressing local and international challenges. We hope you, as readers, feel we have come good on the aspirations and responsibilities such a belief entails, not least through some of the innovations we introduced. In addition to enhancing rates of submission through established networks and contacts, and broadening the base of contributors and readers, we published period-specific and thematic special editions reflecting both traditional and emerging concerns in the discipline, focusing, for example, on translation, medieval literatures, and early modern politics. This targeted approach generated interest in specific scholarly communities where the journal might at one time have only had limited reach. In turn, we have issued several special virtual editions drawing on previously published articles, for schools and students, to keep the rich heritage of the journal in wide circulation. Alongside these larger projects, we also solicited occasional, shorter, and personal essays – ‘The View from Here’ – reflecting on English studies in particular regions, and thereby welcoming contributions from India, Norway, Cyprus, New Orleans, Palestine, and the Czech Republic. Just as our creative writing contributions came from some big-name authors, as well as new talents, so our reviews section showcased a global cast of established and emerging scholars (some seeing themselves in print for the first time) offering their takes on critical interventions in the field. This emphasis on new and emerging voices was also underscored by our introduction of the English Postgraduate Essay Prize, which invariably generated submissions of sufficiently outstanding quality to assure us of the sustainability of the discipline we hold so dear. Working with all these people, and colleagues in the English Association and at Oxford University Press (at all levels and in all capacities), has been a tremendous learning experience, and a tremendous privilege. We are very grateful for everyone’s ideas and support. Likewise, we attained our tenure in part based on the support we knew we would enjoy from colleagues at Northumbria, and as advisors, reviewers, and sources of suggestions for others to review, they have more than exceeded any gratitude we could convey – nonetheless, thank you. We also attained our tenure as an editorial team under our former Head of Department, the formidable eighteenth-century scholar Professor Richard Terry, who is now, very sadly, no longer with us. The value of Richard’s support and insight at that point and after is incalculable, and we are proud to announce that some of the money the team has accrued during our tenure will be used to sponsor events in his name and memory. Thinking of the past does not mean forgetting the future: we wish the new team every success, and know they will do an amazing job.



您现在正在阅读的英语期刊(无论是在线印刷还是纸质印刷)是我们作为由我们,戴维·沃克,托尼·威廉姆斯,保罗·弗雷泽和艾伦·英格拉姆组成的编辑团队的倒数第二本书。2015年,我们向诺森比亚和英语协会的同事们提出了振兴该杂志的愿景,这是基于我们对英语和英语的信念而提出的。是帮助我们所有人了解英语的创作和批判文学的能量和生命力,以及了解此类奖学金,创造力和批评在应对本地和国际挑战中可以发挥的不断变化的作用的重要组成部分。我们希望您(作为读者)感到我们在这种信念所带来的愿望和责任方面表现出色,尤其是通过我们引入的一些创新。除了通过既定的网络和联系方式提高投稿率,并扩大撰稿人和读者的基础之外,我们还出版了针对特定时期和主题的特别版,反映了该学科中传统和新出现的关注,例如翻译,中世纪文学和早期的现代政治。这种有针对性的方法引起了特定学术界的兴趣,在这些学术界,期刊可能一次只能获得有限的访问范围。相应地,我们根据以前发表的文章为学校和学生发行了一些特殊的虚拟版本,以使该期刊的丰富传统得以广泛传播。除了这些大型项目外,我们还征集了偶尔,简短的个人文章-“从这里看”-反思特定地区的英语研究,从而欢迎印度,挪威,塞浦路斯,新奥尔良,巴勒斯坦和捷克文的贡献共和国。正如我们的创意写作贡献来自一些知名作家以及新人才一样,因此,我们的评论部分展示了一批知名学者和新兴学者(有些人首次看到他们的论文)的全球情况,并提出了对该领域的重要干预措施。我们引入了英语研究生论文奖,也强调了对新兴声音的重视,该奖项总是产生高质量的论文,以确保我们所珍视的学科的可持续性。与所有这些人以及英语协会和牛津大学出版社的同事(在各个级别和所有能力)一起工作,已经获得了巨大的学习经验,并获得了巨大的特权。我们非常感谢大家的想法和支持。同样地,我们之所以获得这一任职,部分原因是我们知道我们会得到诺森比亚(Northumbria)同事的支持,作为顾问,审阅者和可供他人审阅的建议来源,他们已经超出了我们所能传达的任何谢意,尽管如此,还是谢谢您。我们还获得了我们前任系主任,强大的18世纪学者理查德·特里教授(Richard Terry Professor)下的编辑团队的职位,现在非常可惜,他不再与我们在一起。理查德在那时和之后的支持和洞察力的价值是无法估量的,我们很自豪地宣布,在我们任职期间,该团队积累的部分资金将用于以他的名义和记忆赞助活动。回顾过去并不意味着忘记未来:我们祝新团队一切顺利,并知道他们会做的很棒。他们已经超出了我们所能传达的任何谢意,尽管如此,还是谢谢您。我们还获得了我们前任系主任,强大的18世纪学者理查德·特里教授(Richard Terry Professor)下的编辑团队的职位,现在非常可惜,他不再与我们在一起。理查德在那时和之后的支持和洞察力的价值是无法估量的,我们很自豪地宣布,在我们任职期间,该团队积累的部分资金将用于以他的名义和记忆赞助活动。回顾过去并不意味着忘记未来:我们祝新团队一切顺利,并知道他们会做的很棒。他们已经超出了我们所能传达的任何谢意,尽管如此,还是谢谢您。我们还获得了我们前任系主任,强大的18世纪学者理查德·特里教授(Richard Terry Professor)担任编辑团队的职位,现在非常可惜,他不再与我们在一起。理查德在那时和之后的支持和洞察力的价值是无法估量的,我们很自豪地宣布,在我们任职期间,该团队积累的部分资金将用于以他的名义和记忆赞助活动。回顾过去并不意味着忘记未来:我们祝新团队一切顺利,并知道他们会做的很棒。理查德在那时和之后的支持和洞察力的价值是无法估量的,我们很自豪地宣布,在我们任职期间,该团队积累的部分资金将用于以他的名义和记忆赞助活动。回顾过去并不意味着忘记未来:我们祝新团队一切顺利,并知道他们会做的很棒。理查德在那时和之后的支持和洞察力的价值是无法估量的,我们很自豪地宣布,在我们任职期间,该团队积累的部分资金将用于以他的名义和记忆赞助活动。回顾过去并不意味着忘记未来:我们祝新团队一切顺利,并知道他们会做的很棒。