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Daily life in Un Roman russe and L’Origine de la violence
Modern & Contemporary France ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-05 , DOI: 10.1080/09639489.2021.1903845
Marla Epp 1


This article focuses on the tensions between the banality of the everyday and a traumatic but unspoken family loss, which are at the centre of Un Roman russe and L’Origine de la violence. I trace the ways in which the effects of the repressed family past manifest themselves in the routines of daily life, arguing that the everyday has become haunted by a transgenerational phantom, to use Abraham and Torok’s phrase. In these novels, the daily routines of the bourgeois families are not only a product of their social standing and privilege, but also a performative means of showcasing and creating this social position. I contend that the texts not only emphasize the ways in which the details of an individual’s quotidian actions are determined by class standing, but also ask to what lengths someone might go in order to protect or improve the day-to-day comforts of their family. Ultimately, I argue that quotidian experiences can be read as both the effects and the catalysts of many of the decisions surrounding moments of major upheaval—that is to say, that the exceptional event and the everyday cannot be easily disassociated.


Un Roman russe 和 L'Origine de la 暴力的日常生活


这篇文章的重点是平庸的日常生活与创伤性但未说出口的家庭失散之间的紧张关系,这是罗马 russeL'Origine de la 暴力的中心. 我追溯过去被压抑的家庭的影响在日常生活中表现出来的方式,用亚伯拉罕和托罗克的话来说,认为日常生活已经被跨代幻影所困扰。在这些小说中,资产阶级家庭的日常生活不仅是他们社会地位和特权的产物,也是展示和创造这种社会地位的一种表演手段。我认为,这些文本不仅强调了个人日常行为的细节由阶级地位决定的方式,而且还询问了为了保护或改善家人的日常舒适度,某人可能会走多远. 最终,
