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Public Tolerance of Retributive Violence against Insurgencies
International Studies Quarterly ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-06 , DOI: 10.1093/isq/sqab022
Vera Mironova 1 , Sam Whitt 2

What drives public support for retributive violence against insurgents, a desire for revenge or security? We consider the case of suspected Islamic State (ISIS) militants in Mosul Iraq. Using survey experiments, we inquire about public support for judicial as well as extrajudicial violence against insurgent combatants. We sample among ordinary civilians in Mosul who lived under ISIS rule as well as ISIS-affiliated families in displacement camps outside Mosul. We find that many Mosul civilians are highly tolerant of retributive violence against insurgents, but this tolerance is driven primarily by security concerns rather than revenge. In contrast, others, especially in displacement camps, oppose the punitive killing of insurgents because they regard such actions as counterproductive to long-term security goals. This tension speaks to potential security dilemmas surrounding retaliatory responses to insurgency. Instead, public security interests may be better served through nonviolent strategies, to include negotiations with insurgent forces and more restorative approaches to justice.



是什么驱使公众支持针对叛乱分子的报复性暴力、复仇或安全的渴望?我们考虑伊拉克摩苏尔疑似伊斯兰国 (ISIS) 武装分子的案例。通过调查实验,我们询问公众对针对叛乱战斗人员的司法和法外暴力的支持情况。我们对生活在 ISIS 统治下的摩苏尔普通平民以及摩苏尔郊外流离失所者营地中与 ISIS 有关联的家庭进行抽样调查。我们发现,许多摩苏尔平民对针对叛乱分子的报复性暴力行为高度容忍,但这种容忍主要是出于安全考虑而非报复。相比之下,其他人,尤其是流离失所者营地中的其他人,则反对惩罚性杀害叛乱分子,因为他们认为此类行动对长期安全目标产生反作用。这种紧张局势说明了围绕对叛乱的报复性反应的潜在安全困境。相反,公共安全利益可能会通过非暴力战略得到更好的服务,包括与叛乱力量的谈判和更恢复正义的方法。