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Impact of the 2016 Southeastern US Wildfires on the Vertical Distribution of Ozone and Aerosol at Huntsville, Alabama
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-05 , DOI: 10.1029/2021jd034796
Bo Wang 1, 2 , Shi Kuang 3 , Gabriele G. Pfister 4 , Arastoo Pour‐Biazar 3 , Rebecca R. Buchholz 4 , Andrew O. Langford 5 , Michael J. Newchurch 2

We present an integrated analysis of measurements from ozonesonde, ozone (O3) Differential Absorption Lidar (DIAL), ceilometer, surface monitors, and space‐borne observations in conjunction with the regional chemical transport model Weather Research and Forecast Model with Chemistry (WRF‐Chem) to investigate the effect of biomass burning emissions on the vertical distribution of ozone and aerosols during an episode of the 2016 Southeastern United States wildfires. The ceilometer and DIAL measurements capture the vertical extent of the smoke plumes affecting the surface and upper air over Huntsville, AL. The model evaluation results suggest a scaling factor of 3–4 for the wildfire aerosol emissions in order to better match observed aerosol optical depth, fine particulate matter (PM2.5), and DIAL aerosol extinction. We use the scaled emissions together with WRF‐Chem tendency diagnostics to quantify the fire impacts and characterize the processes affecting the vertical ozone budget downstream of the wildfires. During the daytime at Huntsville on November 12 and 13, we estimate that fire emissions contribute 12–32 μg/m3 (44%–70%) to hourly surface PM2.5 and 7–8 ppb/10 h (30%–37%) to the surface ozone increase (ΔO3), respectively. Net chemical ozone production (PO3) is the main contributor to upper‐air ozone, which reaches 17–19 ppb/10 h with an estimated 14%–25% contribution from fire sources. Vertical mixing and advection are the major drivers of changes in surface ozone. Model analysis indicates that advection dominates ΔO3 due to fire emissions below 1 km on November 12, while local photochemistry dominates on November 13. These results quantify the different mechanisms through which fires can influence the vertical ozone budget and point out uncertainties in fire inventories that need to be addressed in light of the increasing role of wildfires on air quality.



我们将结合臭氧探空仪,臭氧(O 3)差分吸收激光雷达(DIAL),云高仪,地表监测仪和星载观测的测量结果,结合区域化学迁移模型和化学天气研究与预报模型(WRF- Chem)调查2016年美国东南部山火事件中生物质燃烧排放物对臭氧和气溶胶垂直分布的影响。云高仪和DIAL测量可捕获烟羽的垂直范围,烟羽影响着阿拉巴马州Huntsville的地表和高空。模型评估结果表明,野火气溶胶排放的比例因子为3-4,以便更好地匹配观测到的气溶胶光学深度,细颗粒物(PM 2.5)和DIAL气溶胶消光。我们将缩放后的排放量与WRF-Chem趋势诊断结合使用,以量化火灾影响并确定影响野火下游垂直臭氧预算的过程。在11月12日至13日的亨茨维尔白天,我们估计,每小时每小时表面PM 2.5和7–8 ppb / 10 h(30%–37%)的火灾排放量为12–32μg/ m 3(44%–70%))到表面臭氧增加(ΔO 3)表示。净化学臭氧产量(PO 3)是高空臭氧的主要贡献者,其达到17–19 ppb / 10 h,估计火源贡献了14%–25%。垂直混合和对流是表面臭氧变化的主要驱动力。模型分析表明,平流主导Δ○ 3由于以下1公里火灾排放11月12日,而在11月13日局部光化学占主导地位。这些结果量化不同的机制,使火灾可能影响臭氧的垂直预算,并指出不确定性火灾库存是必须根据野火对空气质量的日益增加的作用加以解决。