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Cocotropus aurantius , a new velvetfish (Aploactinidae) from Japan
Ichthyological Research ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-05 , DOI: 10.1007/s10228-021-00811-8
Mizuki Matsunuma , Tetsuya Sado , Hiroyuki Motomura

The new velvetfish Cocotropus aurantius is described on the basis of a single specimen (17.1 mm standard length) collected off Nagannu Island, Kerama Islands, Japan, at a depth of ca. 50 m. An individual of the new species has also been photographed off Izu Peninsula, Japan. The species is characterized by XII, 8 dorsal-fin rays, II, 6 anal-fin rays, 13 pectoral-fin rays, 7 segmented lower caudal-fin rays, 26 vertebrae, an interneural space between the 7th and 8th vertebrae lacking dorsal-fin spine proximal pterygiophores, the 1st–4th dorsal-fin spines situated anterior to the 3rd neural spine, 5 preopercular spines, vomerine teeth absent, the 2nd mandibular pore on each side fused, and the head, body and fins somewhat orange when fresh (preserved condition creamy-white), and with numerous small scattered brownish blotches and streaks.


来自日本的一种新的天鹅鱼(Aploactinidae)Cocotropus aurantius

新的天鹅绒鱼Cocotropus aurantius根据在日本喀拉马群岛纳甘努岛(Nagannu Island)上采集的单个标本(标准长度为17.1毫米),深度约为5,000毫米对标本进行了描述。50公尺。日本伊豆半岛附近还拍摄了一个新物种的个体。该物种的特征是XII,8条背鳍射线,II,6条肛门鳍射线,13条胸鳍射线,7条分段的下尾鳍射线,26块椎骨,第7和第8椎骨之间的神经间隙,缺乏背鳍。鳍脊柱近端翼状phor肉,位于第三神经脊柱前的第1至第4背鳍棘,5个术前棘,无前齿,两边的第2下颌骨孔融合在一起,新鲜时头,身体和鳍略呈橙色(保存状态为乳白色),并有许多小的分散的褐色斑点和条纹。
