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One’s Interoception Affects the Representation of Seeing Others’ Pain: A Randomized Controlled qEEG Study
Pain Research and Management ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-05 , DOI: 10.1155/2021/5585060
Michela Balconi 1, 2 , Laura Angioletti 1, 2

Objective. This research demonstrates that interoceptive attentiveness (IA) can modulate cortical oscillations related to the emotional and cognitive representations of observing pain in others. Methods. Twenty participants were required to observe painful/nonpainful stimuli in an individual versus the interactive condition during the recording of the electroencephalogram. The sample was divided into experimental (EXP) and control (CTR) groups, and the EXP group was explicitly required to direct the attention on its interoceptive correlates while observing the stimuli. Results. Mixed repeated measures, analyses of variance, were applied to each EEG frequency band. Significant findings were obtained mainly for theta and beta bands for the two groups. A hemispheric lateralisation effect was found, with right lateralisation of the theta band for the EXP group when observing painful stimuli and enhanced left activation of theta and beta bands for the CTR group when observing nonpainful stimuli. For both groups, frontal cortical regions were significantly sensitive to social scenarios, while posterior parietal activation was found for stimuli depicting the individual condition. Conclusions. The results suggest that IA might enhance the emotional representation of painful stimuli, highlighting their negative and unpleasant features in the EXP group, while the attention of the CTR group was mainly drawn to nonpainful stimuli in social and individual conditions, with a positive valence. The role of frontal regions in the processing of social stimuli through social cognition, inducing emotional mirroring and requiring deeper analysis of the social context, was underlined. We propose that IA could be trained for promoting emotion regulation and empathic response.


一个人的内感受影响看到他人痛苦的表征:一项随机对照 qEEG 研究

客观的。这项研究表明,内感受注意力(IA)可以调节与观察他人痛苦的情绪和认知表征相关的皮层振荡。方法。二十名参与者被要求在脑电图记录过程中观察个体的疼痛/非疼痛刺激与交互条件。样本被分为实验组(EXP)和对照组(CTR),明确要求 EXP 组在观察刺激时将注意力集中在其内感受相关性上。结果。将混合重复测量、方差分析应用于每个脑电图频段。主要针对两组的 θ 和 β 带获得了显着的结果。发现了半球偏侧化效应,当观察疼痛刺激时,EXP 组的 θ 带向右偏侧,而当观察非疼痛刺激时,CTR 组的 θ 带和 β 带左侧激活增强。对于两组来说,额叶皮层区域对社交场景都显着敏感,而后顶叶区域则对描述个体状况的刺激有激活作用。结论。结果表明,IA可能增强了疼痛刺激的情绪表征,突出了EXP组中疼痛刺激的消极和不愉快的特征,而CTR组的注意力主要集中在社会和个人条件下的非疼痛刺激上,具有正效价。强调了额叶区域在通过社会认知处理社会刺激、诱导情绪镜像以及需要对社会背景进行更深入分析方面的作用。 我们建议可以对 IA 进行培训以促进情绪调节和共情反应。