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Syn‐Orogenic Exhumation of High‐P Units by Upward Extrusion in an Accretionary Wedge: Insights From the Eastern Elba Nappe Stack (Northern Apennines, Italy)
Tectonics ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-04 , DOI: 10.1029/2020tc006348
E. Ryan 1 , S. Papeschi 2 , G. Viola 3 , G Musumeci 4, 5 , F Mazzarini 5 , E. Torgersen 1, 6 , B.E. Sørensen 1 , M Ganerød 6

The E‐vergent Northern Apennines formed by Oligocene‐Miocene convergence and westward subduction of Adria beneath Europe. Extension ensued in the Mid‐Late Miocene reflecting lower plate roll‐back and causing opening of the back‐arc Northern Tyrrhenian Sea. Post‐orogenic extension is commonly advocated as the main driver of the exhumation of the belt's inner domain high‐pressure/low‐temperature (HP‐LT) rock units. The Acquadolce Subunit of the Eastern Elba nappe stack contains HP‐LT rocks recording peak blueschist conditions of 1.5–1.8 GPa at 320°C–370°C loosely dated to the Oligocene‐Early Miocene. It is sandwiched by two Late Miocene, out‐of‐sequence top‐to‐the E thrusts between Jurassic LP serpentinites on top and HT–LP contact metamorphosed marbles at its base. We document widespread W‐verging ductile asymmetries within the Acquadolce Subunit, which correspond to top‐to‐the W extensional shearing for the nappe stack current orientation. This allowed for early syn‐orogenic exhumation from blueschist‐ to greenschist‐facies conditions, wherein coeval W‐directed extension at the top of the exhuming units acted synchronously with E‐directed thrusting at their base causing exhumation by extrusion in an overall contractional setting. The basal, E‐vergent thrusting is, however, challenging to document as the wedge has since been reworked by Late Miocene, E‐verging compressive tectonics, contact metamorphism, and later extension, obliterating much of the evidence supporting exhumation by extrusion during the early stages of wedge build‐up. Syn‐orogenic exhumation by extrusion from deep structural levels within the orogenic wedge is a viable mechanism to account for other exhumed HP‐LT units in the inner part of the belt.



渐新世-中新世交汇和阿德里亚向西俯冲形成的北部新兴亚平宁山脉在欧洲之下。中新世中期的伸展,反映了板块下盘的回滚并导致了弧后的北第勒尼安海的开放。造山带扩张通常被认为是带内高压/低温(HP-LT)岩石单元掘尸的主要驱动力。东部厄尔巴岛推覆岩体的Acquadolce亚单元包含HP-LT岩石,记录了在320°C-370°C时1.5-1.8 GPa的峰值蓝片岩条件,其历史可追溯到渐新世-早中新世。它被夹在顶部的侏罗纪LP蛇纹岩和底部的HT-LP接触变质大理石之间的两个中新世晚期,从上到下的E逆冲断层。我们记录了Acquadolce子单元内普遍存在的W-verging延性不对称,这对应于尿布堆电流方向的从顶部到W的拉伸剪切。这使得从蓝片岩相到绿片岩相的早期造山带回采出,其中在掘出单元顶部的同时期W向伸展与基底上的E向推力同步作用,从而在整体收缩的环境中通过挤压造成了回缩。然而,要记录基础的E-vergent推力是很困难的,因为楔块已被中新世晚期,E-verging压缩构造,接触变质作用和后来的扩展作用重新构造,从而抹去了许多支持早期挤压挤压发掘的证据。楔形堆积的各个阶段。