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Aggressive behaviors in highly sadistic and highly impulsive individuals
Personality and Individual Differences ( IF 3.950 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.paid.2021.110875
Jipeng Duan , Zhangxiang Yang , Feng Zhang , Yanyan Zhou , Jun Yin

Sadism is tightly linked with aggressive behaviors against others, akin to impulsivity. However, whether the aggressive behaviors predicted by sadism and impulsivity differ remains unknown. In this work, self-reported scales were used in Study 1 (N = 1183, 579 males) with correlation analyses, while Studies 2 and 3 utilized the Taylor aggression paradigm and compared reactive/proactive aggression across three groups of individuals: those with highly sadistic traits but an average level of impulsivity (N = 30, 15 males), those with high impulsivity but an average level of sadism (N = 30, 15 males), and those with both low sadism and low impulsivity (i.e., control group; N = 30, 15 males). Results showed that sadism was more strongly correlated with proactive aggression than was impulsivity and that impulsivity was more strongly related to reactive aggression than was sadism. Furthermore, provocation led to more reactive aggression in highly impulsive individuals than in the control group, and highly sadistic individuals showed more proactive aggression than did the control group. The dominance analysis revealed that impulsivity drives reactive aggression over and above sadism, but proactive aggression is mainly driven by sadism. Hence, sadistic and impulsive traits are relatively associated with different types of aggression.



虐待狂与对他人的攻击行为紧密联系在一起,类似于冲动。然而,由虐待和冲动预测的攻击行为是否不同尚不清楚。在这项工作中,研究1(N  = 1183,579男性)使用自我报告的量表进行相关分析,研究2和研究3利用泰勒侵略范式比较了三组个体的反应性/主动性攻击:虐待性特征但冲动平均水平(N  = 30,15男性),冲动性高但虐待狂平均水平(N  = 30,15男性),以及低虐待性和低冲动的特征(即对照组) ; N = 30,男性15)。结果表明,与冲动相比,虐待狂与主动性攻击的关联更强,而与驱逐性相比,冲动与反应性攻击的关联更强。此外,挑衅导致高度冲动的人比对照组有更多的反应性攻击,高度虐待狂的人比对照组有更多的前摄性攻击。优势分析表明,冲动推动了超越虐待狂的反应性侵略,但积极主动的侵略主要由虐待主义驱使。因此,虐待和冲动特质与不同类型的侵略相对相关。
