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Extremal mixed metric dimension with respect to the cyclomatic number
Applied Mathematics and Computation ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.amc.2021.126238
Jelena Sedlar , Riste Škrekovski

In a graph G, the cardinality of the smallest ordered set of vertices that distinguishes every element of V(G)E(G) is called the mixed metric dimension of G, and it is denoted by mdim(G). In [12] it was conjectured that every graph G with cyclomatic number c(G) satisfies mdim(G)L1(G)+2c(G) where L1(G) is the number of leaves in G. It is already proven that the equality holds for all trees and more generally for graphs with edge-disjoint cycles in which every cycle has precisely one vertex of degree 3. In this paper we determine that for every Θ-graph G, the mixed metric dimension mdim(G) equals 3 or 4, with 4 being attained if and only if G is a balanced Θ-graph. Thus, for balanced Θ-graphs the above inequality is also tight. We conclude the paper by further conjecturing that there are no other graphs, besides the ones mentioned here, for which the equality mdim(G)=L1(G)+2c(G) holds.



在图中 G 区分顶点的每个元素的最小有序顶点集的基数 伏特GEG 称为的混合度量维 G 它由表示 mdimG 在[12]中推测每个图 G 带圈数 CG 满足 mdimG大号1个G+2个CG 在哪里 大号1个G 是中的叶子数 G。已经证明,等式适用于所有树,更普遍地适用于具有边不相交周期的图,其中每个周期恰好具有一个度数顶点3。在本文中,我们确定Θ-图形 G 混合指标维度 mdimG 等于3或4,且仅当且仅当达到4 G 是平衡的 Θ-图形。因此,为了平衡Θ图上面的不平等也很严密。通过进一步推测,本文得出结论,除此处提到的图形外,没有其他图形具有相等性。mdimG=大号1个G+2个CG 持有。
