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Modeling standardized ileal digestible lysine requirements during gestation on gilts and sows
Livestock Science ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.livsci.2021.104500
L.L. Thomas , R.D. Goodband , M.D. Tokach , J.C. Woodworth , J.M. DeRouchey , S.S. Dritz , Jordan T. Gebhardt

The objective of this study was to model daily standardized ileal digestible (SID) Lys-requirements in gestating sows. Data from 877 females (459 gilts, 418 sows; Camborough®, PIC, Hendersonville, TN) was collected and modeled using Dourmad et al. (2008) equations. Individual feed intake and body weight (BW) were recorded daily throughout gestation. Dietary treatments included 11, 13.5, 16, and 18.5 g/d SID Lys-intake throughout gestation. Data were divided into 2 parity groups: gilts and sows, and gestation was divided into 3 stages: d 5 to 39 (early), 40 to 74 (mid), and 75 to 108 (late). The model follows the principle that energy is partitioned between maintenance, growth of conceptus (fetus, placenta, and fluids), and maternal protein and lipid deposition. Requirements for SID Lys-were estimated based on predicted whole body protein deposition. After dividing energy requirements into tissue pools for maintenance, products of conceptus, and maternal reserves, the greatest portion of the energy requirement was for maintenance. Estimated protein retention of the conceptus increased in each sequential stage of gestation (P < 0.05) but there were no differences (P > 0.05) among treatments. Regardless of parity or stage of gestation, increasing SID Lys-increased estimated maternal protein deposition (linear, P < 0.001), but it decreased in each sequential stage of gestation (P < 0.001). Estimated maternal lipid deposition increased with increasing SID Lys (linear, P = 0.076) and decreased in each sequential stage of gestation (P < 0.05), with gilts having to mobilize maternal lipid in late gestation. For gilts and sows, estimated SID Lys-requirements increased in each sequential stage of gestation (P < 0.05). Estimated SID Lys-balance (SID Lys-intake - SID Lys-requirement) increased with increasing SID Lys-in the diet (quadratic, P < 0.054), and decreased (P < 0.05) in each sequential stage of gestation. Overall, the model shows how changes in protein retention of the conceptus and maternal protein deposition differ by parity and stage of gestation for a single gestation phase. Based on predicted changes in protein deposition, and SID Lys-balance, providing females with 11.0 g/d SID Lys-throughout gestation adequately meets Lys-requirements for most of gestation; however, gilts and sows were in a negative SID Lys-balance for the last 5- to 10 d of gestation and this can be prevented by providing gilts and sows with 13.5 g/d SID Lys.



这项研究的目的是对妊娠母猪的每日标准化回肠可消化(SID)Lys需求进行建模。收集了来自877头母猪(459头母猪,418头母猪;Camborough®,PIC,亨德森维尔,田纳西州)的数据,并使用Dourmad等人的模型进行了建模。(2008)等式。整个妊娠期间每天记录个体采食量和体重(BW)。整个妊娠期间的饮食治疗包括11、13.5、16和18.5 g / d SID Lys摄入量。数据分为两个同等组:母猪和母猪,妊娠分为3个阶段:第5至39天(早期),40至74天(中期)和75至108天(后期)。该模型遵循以下原则:能量在维持,概念生长(胎儿,胎盘和体液)以及母体蛋白质和脂质沉积之间分配。SID Lys-的需求量是根据预测的全身蛋白质沉积量估算的。将能量需求划分为用于维护的组织库,概念产品和母体储备之后,能量需求的最大部分是用于维护。在妊娠的每个连续阶段中,估计的概念蛋白质保留量均增加了(P <0.05),但治疗之间无差异(P > 0.05)。不论胎次或妊娠阶段如何,SID Lys的增加都会增加估计的母体蛋白质沉积(线性,P <0.001),但在妊娠的每个连续阶段都会降低(P <0.001)。估计的母体脂质沉积随着SID Lys的增加而增加(线性,P  = 0.076),并且在妊娠的每个连续阶段均降低(P <0.05),后备母猪必须动员母体脂质。对于小母猪和母猪,在妊娠的每个连续阶段,估计的SID Lys需求量均增加(P<0.05)。随着饮食中SID Lys-含量的增加,估计的SID Lys平衡(SID Lys摄入量-SID Lys需求量)增加(二次方,P < 0.054),而在妊娠的每个连续阶段均降低(P <0.05)。总体而言,该模型显示了单个妊娠阶段的胎次和妊娠阶段,概念的蛋白质保留率和母体蛋白质沉积的变化是如何不同的。根据预测的蛋白质沉积变化和SID Lys平衡,为女性提供11.0 g / d的SID Lys整个妊娠期,足以满足大多数妊娠期的Lys要求;但是,在妊娠的最后5至10天,小母猪和母猪的SID Lys平衡为负,可以通过为小母猪和母猪提供13.5 g / d的SID Lys来防止这种情况。
