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Literature survey of droplet entrainment from water pools
Nuclear Engineering and Design ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.nucengdes.2021.111188
M. Ouallal , S. Leyer , S. Gupta

The present paper aims to study the phenomena of droplet entrainment from water pool. This phenomena could be either a consequence of boiling or depressurization. In a bubble column, droplets are released at the surface of the pool by bursting (in bubbly flow regime) or by detachment (in churn turbulent flow regime) depending of the hydrodynamics inside the pool. Eventually, these droplets are entrained by the streaming gas (superficial gas velocity) or settling down due to gravity.

Many experimental studies have been conducted, and several numerical simulations were performed to a better understanding of the phenomena of entrainment. Numerical simulation are a good tool to simulate an experiment due to limitations of data. To that end, CFD showed to be a good candidate to perform such a simulation, yet demand high computational performance and are time consuming. However, Lumped Parameter codes (LP) are widely used due to their simplicity and fast running, nevertheless, only provides qualitative and quantitative data. This paper gives a detailed review on the phenomena of entrainment covering experimental, analytical work. Relevant details on pool scrubbing are also provided for completeness purposes.




