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Rumors of restoration: Joe Biden’s foreign policy and what it means for Canada
Canadian Foreign Policy Journal ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-02 , DOI: 10.1080/11926422.2021.1899005
Aaron Ettinger 1


The election of Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential elections suggests a return to “normal” foreign relations after the dramatic four years of Donald Trump’s presidency. This paper asks two questions: what will Biden’s foreign policy look like? And what are its implications for Canada. Fundamentally, Biden aims to restore the status quo ante Trump in US foreign policy while also adjusting to a world has irreversibly changed. This paper outlines the parameters of Biden’s nascent foreign policy using a seven-point framework focusing on worldview, (2) problem definition, (3) approach to international order; (4) security; (5) economics; (6) values; and (7) personality and decision-making process. For Canada, Biden’s election relieves the immediate upheavals of Donald Trump’s presidency, but it does not necessarily clarify Canada’s foreign policy outlook. Canada still must establish its relative priorities between the continent that is the foundation of its prosperity and security, and the internationalism that is the vehicle of Canada’s international identity and influence.




2020年总统选举中的乔贝登选举表明,在唐纳德特朗普总统的戏剧性四年后,返回“正常”的外交关系。本文提出了两个问题:拜登的外交政策会是什么样子?以及它对加拿大的影响。从根本上说,拜登的目标是恢复特朗普在美国外交政策中的现状,同时也要适应一个不可逆转的世界。本文使用以世界观为重点的七点框架概述了拜登新生外交政策的参数,(2) 问题定义,(3) 国际秩序方法;(4) 安全;(5) 经济学;(6) 价值观;(7) 个性和决策过程。对于加拿大,拜登的选举缓解了唐纳德特朗普主席的直接启动,但这并不一定能阐明加拿大的外交政策前景。加拿大仍然必须在作为其繁荣和安全基础的大陆与作为加拿大国际身份和影响力的载体的国际主义之间确定其相对优先事项。
