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Spawning dynamics and egg production characteristics of captive Seriola dorsalis assessed using parentage analyses
Aquaculture Research ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-04 , DOI: 10.1111/are.15243
Elizabeth Schmidt 1 , Kevin Stuart 2 , John Hyde 3 , Catherine Purcell 4 , Mark Drawbridge 2

In pelagic fish species, studying reproductive behaviour and spawning dynamics is challenging. In culture scenarios, these parameters are difficult to investigate for broadcast spawners such as Seriola. Hubbs-SeaWorld Research Institute has been culturing California yellowtail (S. dorsalis) since 2003 and now it is poised to become one of the first commercial offshore aquaculture marine finfish species in Southern California. Brood fish are typically kept in large tanks and spawn volitionally throughout the spawning season. This method is successful in yielding a consistent supply of eggs; however, it limits the understanding of spawning group dynamics or individual brood fish contribution, information that will be important to scaling production to commercial levels. In this study, genetic-based offspring parentage analyses were used to evaluate captive spawning dynamics in Sdorsalis over two consecutive spawning seasons. The analyses determined that typically one female released eggs during a spawning event, compared with an average of six males who released milt during these same spawning events. Notably, the analyses revealed that a single female dominated spawning output in both years, participating in 63 spawning events and producing 49.7 million eggs. The largest single spawn contribution by a female was 2.5 million eggs, corresponding to a batch fecundity estimate of 110,000 eggs kg−1. The spawning interval for the most productive females was 5–6 days. Using genetic tools to characterize spawning events will help to improve breeding programme designs for Sdorsalis, and this information can serve as a proxy for estimating spawning capacities of this species in the wild.



在中上层鱼类中,研究繁殖行为和产卵动态具有挑战性。在培养场景中,这些参数很难研究像Seriola这样的广播生成器。Hubbs-SeaWorld Research Institute 一直在养殖加利福尼亚黄尾鰤 ( S .  dorsalis) 自 2003 年以来,现在它已准备好成为南加州首批商业近海水产养殖海水有鳍鱼类物种之一。亲鱼通常保存在大水箱中,并在整个产卵季节自愿产卵。这种方法成功地产生了稳定的鸡蛋供应;然而,它限制了对产卵群体动态或个体亲鱼贡献的理解,这些信息对于将生产规模扩大到商业水平很重要。在这项研究中,基于遗传的后代亲本分析用于评估S 中的圈养产卵动态。 背肌连续两个产卵季节。分析确定,通常有一只雌性在产卵过程中释放卵子,而在这些相​​同的产卵过程中,平均有六只雄性释放精液。值得注意的是,分析显示,单一雌性在这两年的产卵量中占主导地位,参与了 63 次产卵活动并产生了 4970 万个卵。雌性最大的单次产卵贡献是 250 万个卵,对应于 110,000 个卵 kg -1的批次繁殖力估计。生产力最高的雌性的产卵间隔为 5-6 天。使用遗传工具来表征产卵事件将有助于改进S 的育种计划设计。 背肌,并且该信息可以作为估计该物种在野外产卵能力的代理。