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Percrocuta miocenica (Percrocutidae, Carnivora) from the middle Miocene of Brajkovac (Central Serbia)
Geobios ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.geobios.2021.02.001
Predrag Radović , Serdar Mayda , Sanja Alaburić , Zoran Marković

This paper describes a well-preserved hemimandible of Percrocuta miocenica from Brajkovac (Lazarevac municipality, Central Serbia). Based on the faunal remains recovered so far, the site is attributed to Mammal Zone MN6 (Langhian, middle Miocene). Apart from Prebreza, this is only the second site where remains of P. miocenica have been found in Serbia, and the third one in the Balkans. The newly discovered fossil, along with other taxa (e.g., Bunolistriodon meidamon, Giraffokeryx punjabiensis, Alloptox sp.), underlines the similarities between the middle Miocene Balkan and Anatolian mammal faunas.


来自Brajkovac(中塞尔维亚)中新世中期的Percrocuta miocenica(Percrocutidae,Carnivora)

本文描述了保存良好的来自Brajkovac(中拉扎列瓦茨市,塞尔维亚中部)的Percrocuta miocenica的半抗原性。根据到目前为止已恢复的动物遗存,该地点归因于哺乳动物区域MN6(Langhian,中中新世)。除普雷布雷萨外,这仅是塞尔维亚第二个发现了米科森青霉残留物的地方,而巴尔干地区则是第三处。新发现的化石以及其他分类群(例如Bunolistriodon meidamonGiraffokeryx punjabiensisAlloptox sp。)强调了中新世巴尔干和安纳托利亚哺乳动物区系之间的相似性。
