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Technologizing the Transcendental, not Discarding it
Foundations of Science ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-03 , DOI: 10.1007/s10699-020-09742-5
Pieter Lemmens

In this reply I further defend my claim that the transcendental should always remain a primary concern for philosophy of technology as a philosophical enterprise, contra the empirical turn’s rejection of it. Yet, instead of emphasizing the non-technological conditions of technology, as ‘classic’ thinkers of technology such as Heidegger did, it should recognize technology itself as the transcendental operator par excellence. Starting from Heidegger’s ontological understanding of transcendence I show that while technical artifacts may indeed always conform to a certain horizon of understanding, they also constitute this horizon in specific ways. Following Stiegler I show that concrete technologies (technology with a small ‘t’) are not just empirical effects of an overarching movement of transcendence (Technology with a capital ‘T’) but are originally constitutive of it. In response to Romele’s critique that the social, language, images, imaginaries, symbols, etc. are also transcendentals, I argue that all these phenomena are always already conditioned by technical milieus. As for Besmer’s contention that I offer a reductive interpretation of postphenomenology’s notion of multistability, I argue that there are decisive systemic and organological limits to multistability offered by technical artefacts and that all variation in use and implementation is always constrained by inherent technical tendencies and processes of concretization. Agreeing with Besmer that the transcendental and the empirical should be understood not oppositional but compositional I argue that technology may be that which constantly ‘mediates’ between the two.



在此答复中,我进一步捍卫我的主张,即先验者应始终是技术哲学的主要关注点,因为一个哲学上的企业,反对经验主义对它的拒绝。但是,与其像海德格尔这样的“经典”技术思想家那样强调技术的非技术条件,不如将技术本身视为卓越的超前运营商。从海德格尔对超越的本体论理解出发,我表明,尽管技术人工制品确实确实总是符合一定的理解视野,但它们也以特定的方式构成了这种视野。在斯蒂格勒之后,我证明了具体技术(“ t”较小的技术)不仅仅是超越运动(具有大写字母“ T”的技术)的经验效应,而是其最初的构成。为了回应罗梅尔对社会,语言,图像,虚构,符号等的批评。总是已经受到技术环境的限制。至于贝斯默(Besmer)的论点,即我对现象学的多重稳定性的概念进行了归纳解释,我认为技术文物对多重稳定性存在决定性的系统和器官学限制,并且使用和实施过程中的所有变化始终受到固有技术趋势和过程的限制。具体化。同意贝斯默(Besmer)的观点,即超越性和经验性不应该被理解为对立,而应该是构成性的。我认为,技术可能是在两者之间不断“调解”的技术。
