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The Antitrust Case Against the Apple App Store
Journal of Competition Law & Economics ( IF 1.176 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-11 , DOI: 10.1093/joclec/nhab003
Damien Geradin , Dimitrios Katsifis

The Apple App Store is the only channel through which app developers may distribute their apps on iOS. First launched in 2008, the App Store has evolved into a highly profitable marketplace, with overall consumer spend exceeding $50 billion in 2019. However, concerns are being increasingly expressed on both sides of the Atlantic that various practices of Apple with regard to the App Store may breach competition law. The purpose of this paper is to examine whether this is indeed the case and, if so, how these concerns can be addressed. With these aims in mind, the paper first introduces the reader to the app ecosystem and the Apple App Store, with a focus on Apple’s in-app payment policies and the 30 percent commission charged for in-app purchases. After engaging critically with the distinction between apps selling “digital” and apps selling “physical” goods or services, we consider such distinction is unclear, artificial, and unprincipled. The paper then critically reviews several practices of Apple that appear to be at odds with competition law and in particular Article 102 TFEU. We first analyze the issue of market definition and dominance with regard to the App Store. We find that Apple is a monopolist in the market for app distribution on iOS, as it is not subject to any meaningful competitive constraint from alternative distribution channels, such as Android app stores. The result is that Apple is the gateway through which app developers have to go to reach the valuable audience of iOS users. This bottleneck position affords Apple the power to engage in several prima facie anticompetitive practices. A first concern is that Apple may exploit app developers by charging excessive fees for the services it provides and by imposing unfair trading conditions. Second, based on four case studies, the paper illustrates how Apple may use its control of the App Store or iOS to engage in exclusionary behavior to the detriment of rival apps. These practices should be investigated by competition authorities, as they are likely to result in considerable consumer harm, be it in the form of higher app prices, worse user experience or reduced consumer choice. The paper finally proposes a combination of concrete remedies that would address the competition concerns identified.



Apple App Store 是应用程序开发人员在 iOS 上分发其应用程序的唯一渠道。App Store 于 2008 年首次推出,现已发展成为一个利润丰厚的市场,2019 年的总体消费者支出超过 500 亿美元。然而,大西洋两岸越来越多地表达了对 Apple 在 App Store 方面的各种做法的担忧可能违反竞争法。本文的目的是检查是否确实如此,如果是,如何解决这些问题。考虑到这些目标,本文首先向读者介绍了应用生态系统和苹果应用商店,重点介绍了苹果的应用内支付政策和应用内购买收取的 30% 佣金。在批判性地讨论了销售“数字”应用程序和销售“实体”商品或服务的应用程序之间的区别之后,我们认为这种区别是不明确的、人为的和无原则的。然后,该论文批判性地审查了苹果公司的几种做法,这些做法似乎与竞争法,尤其是 TFEU 第 102 条不符。我们首先分析 App Store 的市场定义和主导地位问题。我们发现,Apple 是 iOS 应用分发市场的垄断者,因为它不受来自其他分发渠道(例如 Android 应用商店)的任何有意义的竞争约束。结果是,Apple 成为了应用程序开发人员接触有价值的 iOS 用户受众的门户。这一瓶颈地位使苹果有能力参与一些初步的反竞争行为。第一个担忧是,Apple 可能会通过对其提供的服务收取过高的费用并施加不公平的交易条件来剥削应用程序开发人员。其次,基于四个案例研究,该论文说明了苹果如何利用其对 App Store 或 iOS 的控制权从事排他性行为,从而损害竞争对手的应用程序。竞争主管机构应对这些做法进行调查,因为它们可能会导致相当大的消费者伤害,无论是以更高的应用程序价格、更差的用户体验或减少消费者选择的形式。该文件最后提出了一系列具体的补救措施,以解决所确定的竞争问题。第一个担忧是,Apple 可能会通过对其提供的服务收取过高的费用并施加不公平的交易条件来剥削应用程序开发人员。其次,基于四个案例研究,该论文说明了苹果如何利用其对 App Store 或 iOS 的控制权从事排他性行为,从而损害竞争对手的应用程序。这些做法应由竞争主管机构调查,因为它们可能会导致相当大的消费者伤害,无论是以更高的应用程序价格、更差的用户体验或减少消费者选择的形式。该文件最后提出了一系列具体的补救措施,以解决所确定的竞争问题。第一个担忧是,Apple 可能会通过对其提供的服务收取过高的费用并施加不公平的交易条件来剥削应用程序开发人员。其次,基于四个案例研究,该论文说明了苹果如何利用其对 App Store 或 iOS 的控制权从事排他性行为,从而损害竞争对手的应用程序。竞争主管机构应对这些做法进行调查,因为它们可能会导致相当大的消费者伤害,无论是以更高的应用程序价格、更差的用户体验或减少消费者选择的形式。该文件最后提出了一系列具体的补救措施,以解决所确定的竞争问题。该文件说明了 Apple 如何利用其对 App Store 或 iOS 的控制权从事排他性行为,从而损害竞争对手的应用程序。竞争主管机构应对这些做法进行调查,因为它们可能会导致相当大的消费者伤害,无论是以更高的应用程序价格、更差的用户体验或减少消费者选择的形式。该文件最后提出了一系列具体的补救措施,以解决所确定的竞争问题。该文件说明了 Apple 如何利用其对 App Store 或 iOS 的控制权从事排他性行为,从而损害竞争对手的应用程序。竞争主管机构应对这些做法进行调查,因为它们可能会导致相当大的消费者伤害,无论是以更高的应用程序价格、更差的用户体验或减少消费者选择的形式。该文件最后提出了一系列具体的补救措施,以解决所确定的竞争问题。