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Nonlinear tuning of PT symmetry and non-Hermitian topological states
Science ( IF 44.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-02 , DOI: 10.1126/science.abf6873
Shiqi Xia 1 , Dimitrios Kaltsas 2 , Daohong Song 1 , Ioannis Komis 2 , Jingjun Xu 1 , Alexander Szameit 3 , Hrvoje Buljan 1, 4 , Konstantinos G. Makris 2, 5 , Zhigang Chen 1, 6

Topology, parity-time (PT) symmetry, and nonlinearity are at the origin of many fundamental phenomena in complex systems across the natural sciences, but their mutual interplay remains unexplored. We established a nonlinear non-Hermitian topological platform for active tuning of PT symmetry and topological states. We found that the loss in a topological defect potential in a non-Hermitian photonic lattice can be tuned solely by nonlinearity, enabling the transition between PT-symmetric and non–PT-symmetric regimes and the maneuvering of topological zero modes. The interaction between two apparently antagonistic effects is revealed: the sensitivity close to exceptional points and the robustness of non-Hermitian topological states. Our scheme using single-channel control of global PT symmetry and topology via local nonlinearity may provide opportunities for unconventional light manipulation and device applications.



