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Personal support networks of adolescents with intellectual disabilities in secondary education
European Journal of Special Needs Education ( IF 1.930 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-02 , DOI: 10.1080/08856257.2021.1911524
Ana Rey 1 , Judit Fullana 1 , Maria Pallisera 1


Social networks are essential for social inclusion as they create opportunities for the achievement of different types of social support. People with intellectual disabilities encounter barriers to establishing social relationships and often have reduced social support networks. A structured interview was designed with the aim of studying the characteristics of the personal support networks of adolescents with intellectual disabilities. 21 secondary schools and 2 special schools were contacted to ask for their collaboration in the recruitment of students with intellectual disabilities from 14 to 19 years old. Of these, 15 schools managed to recruit 27 students and obtain the consent of both their families and the participants. Information was collected on the composition of their personal networks and their functionality as support networks. The individual data of each participant was analysed using the EgoNet social network analysis software and the relationship set was analysed using statistical techniques. The study shows that reduced social networks are identified and that friendships, linked mainly to the school, and family members are the main sources of support. The study highlights the importance of promoting social relationships in adolescents with intellectual disabilities in order to increase opportunities to develop supportive relationships that favour social inclusion.




社交网络对于社会包容至关重要,因为它们为实现不同类型的社会支持创造了机会。智障人士在建立社会关系方面遇到障碍,并且往往缺乏社会支持网络。设计结构化访谈的目的是研究智障青少年的个人支持网络的特征。联系了 21 所中学和 2 所特殊学校,要求他们合作招收 14 至 19 岁的智障学生。其中,15所学校成功招收了27名学生,并获得了学生家长和参与者的同意。收集了有关其个人网络的组成及其作为支持网络的功能的信息。使用 EgoNet 社交网络分析软件分析每个参与者的个人数据,并使用统计技术分析关系集。研究表明,社交网络减少,主要与学校相关的友谊和家庭成员是支持的主要来源。该研究强调了促进智障青少年社会关系的重要性,以增加发展有利于社会包容的支持性关系的机会。家庭成员是主要的支持来源。该研究强调了促进智障青少年社会关系的重要性,以增加发展有利于社会包容的支持性关系的机会。家庭成员是主要的支持来源。该研究强调了促进智障青少年社会关系的重要性,以增加发展有利于社会包容的支持性关系的机会。
